Lost City - will be played in almost every deck, even its not LZ focused. Because it punishes decks like Regigigas that runs few copies of the Pokemon they've used, or tech cards that might need to use later after being KOed. Also not a huge problem on your side since you just not worrying much of losing an attacker or a Lumi, as long as you have a bench space and a spare attacker. 5 Geodudes
Lost Sweeper - maybe losing tool removal isn't a problem anymore. 5 Geodudes
Mirage Gate - now we have to find a way to T1 this card and make it broken. 5 Geodudes
Colress' Experiment - applies to all decks since it gives you a speed draw. 4-5
Giratina V/VSTAR - OHKO VSTAR, OHKO VMAX with a Choice Belt. 4/5
Comfey - first card after 6 years! It's a nice draw card, too. Acro Bike as an ability, except the discarded card can't be recovered. 4 Geodudes
Shuppet/Banette - Stage 1 tho. 1-of in Zoroark for Supporter recovery, and that's it. 2/4
Delphox V - Fire decks still mostly rely on Arceus since Magma Basin won't help you get the 3 energy in a single turn. 3-4
Cramorant - First, 110 is meh even worse if applying no weakness. Secondly, the ability is more complicated to pull off. Thirdly, Hoopa and Moltres does the same attack as this, but the condition is easily met than Cramorant. Sure, Cramorant attacks for free, rather than single energy, but how will you get 4 cards in the Lost Zone, turn 1 going second, especially if you're leading with it? 3-4