“Mega Brave” and “Mega Symphonia” TCG Sets Releasing in August, Mega Gengar ex and Mega Diancie ex Decks!

Water Pokémon Master

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Mega Brave and Mega Symphonia will release on August 1st in Japan! The sets will feature Mega Lucario ex and Mega Gardevoir ex, respectively.



The prefix of each set will be “Pokemon Card Game MEGA,” again confirming the TCG is departing from the Scarlet & Violet series.



Releasing alongside the sets will be a “Premium Trainer Box MEGA” for 6,350 yen. This is the typical tookit that comes with a variety of staple cards for decks and a bunch of booster packs.


On September 5th, Japan will get two preconstructed decks named...

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This release date range kinda confirms my assumption that we're only getting 3 (or maybe 4) sets that feature trainer's pokemon. Unless they wanna make my dreams come true and throw us some trainer's megas
I'm hoping they keep trainer Pokemon for a little longer. Having 2 English sets (3 if the Black and White set has them too) with Trainer Pokemon then switching to Megas seems like a very quick turnaround.
This release date range kinda confirms my assumption that we're only getting 3 (or maybe 4) sets that feature trainer's pokemon. Unless they wanna make my dreams come true and throw us some trainer's megas
What you Talking about? All Japanese Set namens have been known. After rocket in April we don’t get any in May (as per usual) and then the two b/w sets before mega in June. That’s not news, has been known for a while, like lit. Month now.
Mega Gengar, Lucario and gardevoir means this will be a sought after set again. More along the lines of fusion strike but the hobby is ruined as it will be scalped just because why not, it makes a lot of money for loses.
Gengar will likely not be in the same set as Gardy and Lucario. Like Marni Steven or Ceruledge Sylveon ex they dont come with their "related" set for us
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I can't wait to see a new Mega Gengar EX card. Gengar EX from Phantom Forces was the first EX card I've ever pulled and I bought the new one from the Scarlet and Violet era. I also have the Shiny Mega Gengar EX, so it would be interesting to see a new one.
It would be absolutely sick if the new mega gengar had another attack that copies your opponents pokemon. idk how competitive it would be but it could be alright. at any rate it would be a cool call back, but honestly i’m just pumped to get another possibly playable gengar card even if it’s not that exact attack.
You were an okay run SV. Sure, your stupid hats ruined a lot of cards, you underutilized this generations gold star mechanics and ushered a new era of horror for fans and collectors alike... but you did try to make some changes for the better early on.

Let us not forget the early set pull rates, the death (and permanent might I add, aka don't you dare ever bringing them back) of rainbow rare cards. The love towards small egg Pokémon, the inclusion of special illustration rares that have a trainer featuring Pokémon they love and use. For me personally, my special illustration rare Mew from fates is my favourite card from SV and I doubt it will be overtaken unless BW/Rocket pulls a rabbit out of the hat.

Hopefully Mega will be a great era, I won't cross my fingers. I have one ask, a special illustration rare of Mega Charizard X. Have it done by Naoki Saito. That is all.