Lugia V - 220 is the bulkier end of basic V Pokémon. The first attack is decent going second. Overall, you will only play it as a pre evolution. 3/5 as a pre evo
Lugia Vstar - ability is nuts. I’m not sure what collorless Pokémon can justify using this ability over something like starbirth. The new Archeops is probably the only contender, bibarel doesnot justify lugia in your deck, but you can pick him up when using the ability. The attack is to high maintence for the low value. Remember that cherens exist, so you can take a hit with this and use the ability and then leave the field 3/5 worth testing out, and could become higher, but we don’t see a good abuser of this ability.
Unown V - this is what I could imagine an Unown V to be like. The second attack is strong in the few situations you can load it up within the late game, but you could load up a KO. First attack is alright as a bursting burn kinda thing. 180 is pitiful, but fighting resicistence is cool to see. 1/5 just a meme
Unown Vstar - hp is very ohkoable. The first attack generates very little value, but as a 1 energy attatchment you can spam cheryl against something like arceus I guess. The ability is nuts, it let’s almost any deck counter big walls, my question is how it works against dragons, as they don’t have any weaknes. 3/5 can pop up to counter tanky decks.
Archen - 80 hp fossil pre evo 1/5
Archeops - that is one of the strongest abilities of all time. You might be a fossil mon, but lugia exist. You can accelerate stuff life powerful energy and DTE. I’m not totally sure what deck wants to use this. Would it be enough to play a 4-3 lugia line plus archeops? Cherens and powerful. 4/5 should see play in some way, the question is in what way.
Morpeko-pikachu-dedenne-togedemaru 2/5 rouge. It is the new hitmon deck, but we have sableye and intel.
Elgyem 2/5 regular pre evolution
Beehyem - love the art. Might be decent in GLC. Not good in standard. It just doesn’t generate enough value.
Meditite - 3/5 bench safe pre evo. It is fog crystal searchable.
Medicham - love the ability. We have grant and bibarel to make it consistently good. The attack is becoming less good for each day as it follows. You have mew and urshi but not much more. It is a atrong urshi counter though. 2/5 lacks utility in this metagame
Grove tablet - instant 1 of in any V deck that doesn’t already have a vstar power. The best examples are mew, ice cally, urshi and shadow rider. 4/5 should be great 1-2 of in a lot of decks.
Earth tablet - this is Rapidash V's attack against all mons. It is great for spread decks like urshifu. 3 energies is not low maintence, but doable. 3/5 should be redefining Urshifu but not much more play than that.
Shaymin - recovers special energies, that’s about it 1/5