“Paradise Dragona” Secret Rares and Pull Rates Revealed!

Water Pokémon Master

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The secret rares from Paradise Dragona have now been posted to social media! The set releases in Japan on Friday.



#89 Alolan Exeggutor ex

The cards from Paradise Dragona and Supercharged Breaker will become part of our Surging Sparks set on November 8th.


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So my assumption for Surging sparks is that well have 24 IRs because of PD having 12 and Supercharged Breaker will be the other half.
24 Irs, 10 SIRs total, and 6 golds.
Which I assume will be a gold pikachu.
Let's also hope white kyruem gets announced in SCB.
Very excited for this set.
So my assumption for Surging sparks is that well have 24 IRs because of PD having 12 and Supercharged Breaker will be the other half.
24 Irs, 10 SIRs total, and 6 golds.
Which I assume will be a gold pikachu.
Let's also hope white kyruem gets announced in SCB.
Very excited for this set.
I'm pretty sure it's 23 IRs (magnezone for promo) 11 SIRs, and 6 golds
I noticed immediately that the secret Lisia card says "Arm and Leg". If it's not Charizard, it's a female character. A lot of the cards in these recent sets are just gorgeous, and it's not just the super rare ones.
I am most disappointed by Archaludon SIR. The IR from previous set had much more expressive art. This one looks like it floats in random space doing action figure pose. If someone told me it is FA, I would honestly believe them.
Honestly it's growing on me it looks kinda goofy lmao
Is it normal to have 12 Art rares and then 11 art rares? I checked back with what became paradox rift and it was all even to make 36 IRs.
Both sets have 12, it's just one is getting cut from the set to be a promo, off memory paradox rift had 34 IRs as two of them were cut to be the etb promos