“Paradise Dragona” TCG Set Officially Revealed Featuring Latias ex, Tera Alolan Exeggutor ex, and Dragon Pokemon!

Alolan Exeggutor still KOs something no matter what, passimian still won’t see play due to low damage and not much fighting support right now, altaria could still be used sometimes in pinch situations, dusk ball is decent and will be used, dragons potion only heals 60, which is good with goodra but not super good still, Drayton is still good as a 1 or 2, if you get nothing you still got pal pad to try again, Lisia is good because, guess what, you’re going to be switching in basics most of the time anyways to kill support and for easy KOs.
But boss does the same thing, and for more stuff the confusion is never coming up, passimian ohkos hands in lost box if that's still relevant, I don't feel like altaria earns a deck spot tho cause you're almost always not using it, I'd rather arven that not get anything with a supporter, and I also get to pick with arven. I just feel like these cards are decent at best, and niche most of the time with a better version of the card (except Latias ex and egg)
But boss does the same thing, and for more stuff the confusion is never coming up, passimian ohkos hands in lost box if that's still relevant, I don't feel like altaria earns a deck spot tho cause you're almost always not using it, I'd rather arven that not get anything with a supporter, and I also get to pick with arven. I just feel like these cards are decent at best, and niche most of the time with a better version of the card (except Latias ex and egg)
Confusion can still be useful, passimian is still niche to the point it sees no use, Altaria will be used as a tech most likely, I do agree with your stance on drayton but I am expecting to see both get used
Confusion can still be useful, passimian is still niche to the point it sees no use, Altaria will be used as a tech most likely, I do agree with your stance on drayton but I am expecting to see both get used
Drayton should never be used over Hassel, which does basically the same thing but even better, and if you're bossing something 9/10 it's to knock it out so the confusion will never come up. Most basic support Mons that you are bossing have a 1 or no retreat anyway, which doesn't help with the stall. I don't think he passimian will see use at all.