“Pokemon TCG Pocket” Demo Excludes Gameplay, But Articuno ex, Sabrina, and More “Genetic Apex” Cards Revealed!

Water Pokémon Master

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I’m here live at Worlds where I’ve just spent an hour ripping open packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket! (I was the first in line!)
Unfortunately, the demo does not include any gameplay. You can only open Genetic Apex packs. Thus, the demo does not reveal any gameplay mechanics beyond this news story I posted in March.



Here are more newly revealed cards from Genetic Apex that I pulled from my packs:



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Do we know how the sets are being handled order-wise? They don't have any numbering, so this is quite weird
For those wondering about the artwork:
1. Oddish: new art
2. Metapod: Sun/Moon base set
3. Squirtle: new art
4. Articuno: new art
5. Clefairy: Hidden Fates
6. Abra: Vending S1
7. Kirlia: Cosmic Eclipse
8. Pidgeot: new art
9. Primeape: Jungle
10. Machop: Guardians Rising
11. Farfetch'd: Neo Revelation
12. Erika: new art
13. Sabrina: new art
Neo Farfetch’d and illustration contest Gardevoir… my two all time favorite tcg arts already shown off :,)
The marketing for this game continues to aggressively push the "card collecting" aspect. Why? I've never in my life met a single person who's excited about collecting digital trading cards. With physical cards, there's an appeal to buying and owning the cards because they look different on cardboard vs a photo/scan (foiling, texture, and lighting differences). But if the card is digital, there's no reason not to simply look up the art on Google Image search (or YouTube if it's an animated card). You're not missing out on anything by not "owning" the art (in so far as such a thing is possible in a digital app). So what's the appeal of this marketing strategy? I'd love to hear the opinion of someone who feels differently than I do.
The power balance between the basic ex cards and single prize stage 2's, as well as the +20 weakness is what we need to see in the regular TCG, hopefully the design of this game translates to whatever they have in store for the next TCG series.
Idk why but Im kinda in the boat of idc if those never get printed. Love the artwork would be nice to see them irl, but I mean there's plenty of cool art cards that I will probably never be able to afford so there's ton of cards I still appreciate digital only. And I cant explain it but I do see some appeal in having a digital collection anyway and can be fun with trading. The only thing I keep despising is that outside of the art of the card itself I really dont like how the app looks. The pastel colors void aint doing it for me
The power balance between the basic ex cards and single prize stage 2's, as well as the +20 weakness is what we need to see in the regular TCG, hopefully the design of this game translates to whatever they have in store for the next TCG series.
I don't think it was ever confirmed or denied that this game was designed by the same people that design the physical card game. DeNA is the developer. It's very possible they're the ones handling the balance and design, coming at it with a fresh perspective and some obvious changes.
Seeing half an Escape Rope become a Supporter is wild. I guess smaller benches mean you're more likely to be forced into an undesirable switch, but still!
Not a fan of GIDORA's Sabrina personally; however, that has got to be the most beautifully designed articuno illustration for a card to date. Jealous I will never own a copy IRL but is what it is.