“Pokemon TCG Pocket” Demo Excludes Gameplay, But Articuno ex, Sabrina, and More “Genetic Apex” Cards Revealed!

The marketing for this game continues to aggressively push the "card collecting" aspect. Why? I've never in my life met a single person who's excited about collecting digital trading cards. With physical cards, there's an appeal to buying and owning the cards because they look different on cardboard vs a photo/scan (foiling, texture, and lighting differences). But if the card is digital, there's no reason not to simply look up the art on Google Image search (or YouTube if it's an animated card). You're not missing out on anything by not "owning" the art (in so far as such a thing is possible in a digital app). So what's the appeal of this marketing strategy? I'd love to hear the opinion of someone who feels differently than I do.
Yeah tbh I agree. I'm not really looking forward to this game. It will negatively impact pokemon TCG live, which, although a glitch filled game, is kind of the best official app for Pokemon battlers. Simplifying it doesn't excite me personally.
I would love this Sabrina FA as a card. She's my 2nd favourite gym leader and I don't have any FA of her yet.
Kids in line: "Why won't this guy stop opening packs! I wanna try. *Sobs*
Water Pokémon Master: "Hey, I have a website where I'm going to share these cards with the world. I'll tell you the url if you go over to the TCG demo table to try the REAL Pokémon TCG."
My kingdom for physical releases of some of these cards in the future...
A kingdom was lost for want of a physical release of some of these cards in the future...
... a physical release of some of these cards in the future was lost for want of...
Kids in line: "Why won't this guy stop opening packs! I wanna try. *Sobs*
Water Pokémon Master: "Hey, I have a website where I'm going to share these cards with the world. I'll tell you the url if you go over to the TCG demo table to try the REAL Pokémon TCG."
Actually there was almost no one at the demo when I went, as it was right at the start of the day. I had the whole place to myself.
I really dislike the font choices... if they really couldn't use Gill Sans they could have at least picked a less "swapmeet fake card"-esque typeface, especially for the HP numbers
Seeing half an Escape Rope become a Supporter is wild. I guess smaller benches mean you're more likely to be forced into an undesirable switch, but still!
I honestly think it's because effects like this are quite useful. I imagine the general game plan for many decks will be to grab 2 points from an ex and finish the game with 1 point from a regular Pokemon. This means that you might be a point off and not have the damage to deal with a Charizard swiftly enough, but their bench are all low enough for you to gust any of them up with Sabrina. I think a lot of your deck (even assuming a halved deck size) will consist of consistency cards to streamline your games, like Brock attaching just 1 Energy to Onix or Erika in grass decks to heal off just a tiny bit of damage to avoid losing points. I also imagine that you'll run fewer pokemon as you need less attackers and having less space on the bench means there's less room for supporting pokemon.
I know we all love the art, but not showing gameplay is a huge red flag for me. This has the potential to be a really fun, tidy alternative to PTCG - as such, there should be no fear in showing it off.
No gameplay is a big red flag, but no release date is even worse, that means they don’t even have an expectation for us.
Reminder we will never see that beautiful updated card back used on real-life, tournament legal cards.
The most this can do is liek a hard reset on the pokemon tcg franchise.. so old artwork could be reuse saving on art cost but making the card more playble for the current era (the digital version)
The most this can do is liek a hard reset on the pokemon tcg franchise.. so old artwork could be reuse saving on art cost but making the card more playble for the current era (the digital version)
Damn, talk about a trip down memory lane. How you been, buddy?
Damn, talk about a trip down memory lane. How you been, buddy?
Been distance too the forum but alway waiting for new pokemon news at the main page. to bad game updated are barely here.. But still closely following TCG online, - n probably this coming game..
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