Willfully misreading posts doesn't get you any points. The energy impact of the entire cryptocurrency system does not compare unfavorably to the energy impact of the entire existing banking system. People who claim NFTs are "bad for the environment" have no idea what they are talking about and are parroting incorrect information.
If these cards were to be sold to users as NFTs, this opens up a number of opportunities, including, but not limited to, having the potential to 'own' the card. As we know, all gachas, mobile games, etc. do not keep their servers up forever, and when the game ends, it ends. It won't matter how much money you've spent on the game, if your profile/assets/etc. were stored on a host-side server, then when they shut the server down, you'll have nothing. That, for me, would be the most critical thing here – DeNA's management of Pokémon Masters is not terrible, but there is a clear sense that when it ends, it'll end and you'll effectively have nothing for it.
An app like this one, where the emphasis is clearly going to be on collection and a sense of 'owning' that collection, needs some kind of way for the collection to survive server shutdowns, app and/or OS upgrades, etc. because otherwise you can just stare at pkmncards.com and send a cheque in the mail to TPC every now and again and get very much the same experience as what this app would be offering.
This mischaracterization as "cryptoshill" is also asinine. I have some interactions with cryptoshills as such, and I regularly tell these people they are inane morons who waste a promising technology on financial nonsense that boils down to little more than gambling. Yes, there are cryptoshills, and they are idiots, but you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater where when you refuse to acknowledge the idea that blockchain technology is promising, does have its use cases, and makes perfect sense here.