“Prismatic Evolutions” to Feature Three Sets of Reverse Holos!

I'm probably in the minority, but pulling out Regular/Poke/Master reverses for a set that will mostly be catch-up starter deck cards just seems sloppy and unappealing to me.

151 had that iconic lineup of original Pokemon. The Poke/Master reverse holos work because the set has a highly collectible, clear theme. It makes sense, is popular, and looks good in a binder.

Terastal Festival is a "best of" just like every other high class set. Most of the Poke/Master reverses are somewhat competitive, and a few are highly collectible (the eeveelutions). A celebratory set that I'd say earns its indulgent holo treatment.

But with Prismatic... aside from the eeveelutions, why go all in with three reverses for a set that's mostly just bulk starter deck extras? Thematically, what's the occasion? Is the main set so slick and worthwhile that it seemed appropriate to polish it up with extra holo designs, like 151 and Terastal? Or are we just doing this because master balls and eevees made a lot of money in Japan.

Maybe I'm just being a stick in the mud. And I'm sure this set will be very successful either way
Well it has some gen start cards which do have a theme, and I believe they're choosing specifically just some gens. But yeah now that is combined with so many reprints, no, it loses all. Thinking about it, it wouldve been cool to have all generation start decks cards with its own miniset or something to pull something like this. But now that they're splitting it and I highly doubt we will have the special reverse holos next set yeah not happening anymore
I'm slowly opening some Terastal Festival and so far I'm really enjoying the reverses. Poké Ball AND Master Ball... yeah, I don't care really. I just think it's cool that they textured regular artwork. Sitting here with a textured (common) Duskull on my desk and it's super cool. This is exactly what I've been looking for to make opening packs more fun, because I find regular reverses and holos pretty boring. And I'll definitely pick out a handful of Poké Ball reverses to buy as singles.
Love that they are adding variety to EN but hope they don’t get to the 60+ different parallels that you see in some sports sets.