The changes are interesting. I am on board with the silver borders, as it signifies a change in direction. I hope they never change the back of English cards though, that's one of the things I always found tacky about Japanese cards. The guaranteed holofoils per pack seems nice, but, does that mean that there will simply be that many more holofoils per set or are we just going to hit that many repeats in a box. Not a fan of the symbols going away, it means my little website will need to take that into account in the future. Finally, the price increase; I think it's rich of them to increase the price by that much considering how much they would make. I noticed someone rip into that fact that it's only 50c; however, that is a LOT per booster pack and that is USD. That means that in my country, the price of a booster pack will be approximately just under $1 more expensive which means a booster box will be at least $220 minimum by the time it gets here. A shame really, but I already was determined to only get a single box from now on. But hey, thanks to the border shift, we will see a trend 10~15 years down the line about pre-silver bordered cards being a thing haha.