“Space-Time Smackdown” Set Releasing on January 29th for “Pocket,” Trading Details Revealed!

I disagree honestly. Palkia unlike Gyarados hits 150 naturally without gio and sets up for spread, which works well with gren and sets up your next KO pretty easily, and that's without knowing anything else in the set which I would agree there's a chance the two legendaries get their orbs.
Palkia's attack is good, but you need to discard 3 water energy. You're probably only using that attack once. Sometimes that's enough, but there are many times when they just bring in a second ex from the bench after you take down their first, and greninja cant chip away at their bench fast enough for you to take that last point. Gyarados ex can tank nearly any attack they use and ohko every relevant threat with its attack + greninja's chip. Palkia's 150 hp means it can be ohko'd by Mewtwo when Gyarados can't, and I think that matters a lot. Additionally, Gyarados ex can sometimes discard an energy from the benched pokemon theyre charging up, which can very easily steal games that were otherwise lost. Imo, Palkia is pretty heavily outclassed unless it gets good support in the set.
Palkia's attack is good, but you need to discard 3 water energy. You're probably only using that attack once. Sometimes that's enough, but there are many times when they just bring in a second ex from the bench after you take down their first, and greninja cant chip away at their bench fast enough for you to take that last point. Gyarados ex can tank nearly any attack they use and ohko every relevant threat with its attack + greninja's chip. Palkia's 150 hp means it can be ohko'd by Mewtwo when Gyarados can't, and I think that matters a lot. Additionally, Gyarados ex can sometimes discard an energy from the benched pokemon theyre charging up, which can very easily steal games that were otherwise lost. Imo, Palkia is pretty heavily outclassed unless it gets good support in the set.
Well, it trades the higher hp for higher damage numbers, at the cost of discarding energy which is definitely a massive downside that makes it unlikely to be used often, but it doesn’t need to. Now, I think its a bit hard to say how it will perform without knowing over 160 of the cards but it already does things gyarados can’t with a cost. I think it’ll be interesting either way because I can’t imagine that one of the main cards won’t get any new support.
kinda hoping/expecting Lucario to reimagine fighting decks or at least be a bonus benchsitter for Golem. it seems like his ability stacks, so 2 Lucarios should mean +40 damage every turn lol
Yay, more ex decks with acceleration! It's not like every deck on ladder is exactly the same right now and just compares draw quality/coinflips.
eh. I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion or not here among full TCG enjoyers, but I really could not care less for Pocket. All it did is make the hobby almost intolerable as scalpers ruin everyone’s day with the increased demand. I don’t understand how TPCi didn’t see this coming from a mile away when they released the app. Makes me really biased against Pocket tbh. And the gameplay itself is not even good, it’s just the modern TCG with all the elements that make it the modern TCG taken away. The decks are a third the size yet you don’t even see half of it throughout the game, and the best trainer cards are all fcking randomized. The interesting dynamic with energy is gone and none of the Pokemon do anything interesting. Prize cards remain far more interesting a system to win than points, and where’s the gusting?? And all my friends play Pocket yet remain uninterested in my hobby, the full TCG, even though it’s right there and I have decks in person!! It makes me bitter and somewhat sad. The app isn’t even bad for what it is, but it feels set up to make me dislike it as much as physically possible while acknowledging it isn’t bad, and it annoys the hell out of me. Sorry for randomly going on a rant like that out of nowhere, Pocket tends to make me do that lol
It also seems like it has unmasked some gambling addictions in people. TCG Pocket is enjoyable but I don't feel the need to put money into it. I'll enjoy it as a F2P player. Same with Pokémon Sleep.