“Twilight Masquerade” Prerelease Promos Revealed!

If I'm not confused and angry, does that make me subaverage or above average?
Granted I'd be pretty confused and angry if Green actually caught me in a Pokéball somehow (EmmaTheBest's profile photo made me think about that for some reason).
Tatsugiri is a great promo, plenty of city league decks are running it. Froslass also sees some play in more gimmicky decks, so it's not a bad one either. Thwackey is a cornerstone piece of Festival decks, so that's 3/4 viable prerelease promos, a pretty decent ratio (sorry infernape).
Infernape wouldnt be bad if he wasn't stage 2
I can’t wait to play Festival Lead Control with Thwackey. It’s definitely better than Pidgeot Control imo (have Swirlix or Goldeen with Rescue Board in the active and 3 Thwackeys on the bench, and you can search for THREE cards every turn, rather than one. And it’s a Stage 1, not a Stage 2. No need for the stadium at all, you only need them in the active one time per turn, so if you have another attacker you can use a switching card that can definitely be ensured with deck search). I don’t understand why no one is talking about it, am I the really the first one to think of this?