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★Hyunbin's Trade Thread★ [H] Primes, Promos, RED COLLECTION! [W] BW3 Cards!

RE: ADV/DP/DPT JAPANESE Trading List (+Some English.. for now)

Nah, I'll pass on the Dusknoir offer. I am sure I can get more for Dusknoir than 2 Energies.

But what would you like for the JPN Wartortle and JPN Squirtle?
RE: ADV/DP/DPT JAPANESE Trading List (+Some English.. for now)

AnthonyG said:
Nah, I'll pass on the Dusknoir offer. I am sure I can get more for Dusknoir than 2 Energies.

But what would you like for the JPN Wartortle and JPN Squirtle?

What about all four of them for Dusknoir?
And for the Wartortle and Squirtle, do you have any Japanese commons/uncommons?
RE: ADV/DP/DPT JAPANESE Trading List (+Some English.. for now)

Would you be able to do the 1st Edition Dusknoir for All of those cards? (the 4 Energy, Wartortle, and Squirtle)

If not, I really don't have any JPN (Un)commons unless you want some from Older Sets like Gym Heroes or Gym Challenge.


RE: ADV/DP/DPT JAPANESE Trading List (+Some English.. for now)

AnthonyG said:
Would you be able to do the 1st Edition Dusknoir for All of those cards? (the 4 Energy, Wartortle, and Squirtle)

If not, I really don't have any JPN (Un)commons unless you want some from Older Sets like Gym Heroes or Gym Challenge.



Yes. I've PM'ed you. :D
RE: ADV/DP/DPT JAPANESE Trading List (+Some English.. for now)


Updated with a few more cards.
RE: ADV/DP/DPT JAPANESE Trading List (+Some English.. for now) BET + PotF

Any interest in:

4X BET Nidoking
4X BET Nidoqueen
2X Manectric JPN (1st ED) Holo
1 JPN Latios
1 JPN Latias

I like the Blue Pokeball sleeves. LMK!
RE: ADV/DP/DPT JAPANESE Trading List (+Some English.. for now) BET + PotF

What set are your Manectric, Latios and Latias from?
Are the Latios/Latias 1st ED also?
RE: ADV/DP/DPT JAPANESE Trading List (+Some English.. for now) BET + PotF

Latios and Latias are 1st edition DP4. (Non-holo)
The Manectric are from DPt1.
RE: ADV/DP/DPT JAPANESE Trading List (+Some English.. for now) BET + PotF

I'd only be interested in Manectric.
But it's not enough for the sleeves.
Do you have any other Japanese 1st ED Holos?
RE: ADV/DP/DPT JAPANESE Trading List (+Some English.. for now) BET + PotF

Nope, only ones I've got. Those are pretty much all my Japanese cards.
Thanks anyways.
RE: ADV/DP/DPT JAPANESE Trading Thread (+Some English.. for now) BET + PotF

Added more. =3
RE: ADV/DP/DPT JAPANESE Trading Thread (+Some English.. for now) BET + PotF

Do you by chance have any x4 SP Radar or x4 SP Energy BET?
I really need them.
I have a Shiny Drifloon IFDS 1st edition.
RE: ADV/DP/DPT JAPANESE Trading Thread (+Some English.. for now) BET + PotF

Muddy68 said:
Do you by chance have any x4 SP Radar or x4 SP Energy BET?
I really need them.
I have a Shiny Drifloon IFDS 1st edition.

I don't sorry. I don't have any Trainers or Special Energy left. :(

updated with single cards from the Pt Entry Pack
RE: Hyunbin's DP/DPT Trading Thread [H] Dialga G, RR, PotF [W] JPN Flygon LV.X!


Added English Cards!
RE: Hyunbin's DP/DPT Trading Thread [H] Dialga G, RR, PotF [W] JPN Flygon LV.X!

Are you getting any RR? I have Flygon Lv X and plenty of Flygons from BET but would want to trade for RR/ENG cards. LMK how interested you are in these.
RE: Hyunbin's DP/DPT Trading Thread [H] Dialga G, RR, PotF [W] JPN Flygon LV.X!

I'm only buying the tins at the moment to collect the Lv.X's.
So unless they're coming out with tins with Rising Rivals soon, probably not.
But I'm dying to get a Japanese Flygon Lv.X.

What do you want from Rising Rivals for it.
RE: Hyunbin's DP/DPT Trading Thread [H] Dialga G, RR, PotF [W] JPN Flygon LV.X!

Updated with more cards!
RE: Hyunbin's DP/DPT Trading Thread [H] Dialga G, RR, PotF [W] JPN Flygon LV.X!

Hyunbin said:
I'm only buying the tins at the moment to collect the Lv.X's.
So unless they're coming out with tins with Rising Rivals soon, probably not.
But I'm dying to get a Japanese Flygon Lv.X.

What do you want from Rising Rivals for it.

Not sure, exactly. Wanted Flygon X and 3 flygons. Got the X and one rare, so need two more. Also probably looking to pick up the Hippo line, the Luxray and Floatzel lines and the rotoms at some point, but no hurry. Their price will come down! :D

Anyway, interested in your blue pokeball sleeves and the Dialga G and Shaymin X if it's Landmin. I have a lot of your wants I think, so should we see if we can work something out?
RE: Hyunbin's DP/DPT Trading Thread [H] Dialga G, Uxie "LA", PotF [W] Alt. Color Yanma

CML for
