cml for Garchomp X
cml for Garchomp X
Azelf Master said:cml for Garchomp X
Javier8100 said:no im only trading the full set at once.
captain.mongoose said:Hey i'll trade my Electivire lvl X plus the Top half of Lugia for your Garchomp lvl X (MD) and your Shiny Bagon. lmk
JaySamuel said:your:
Magikarp HGSS
Infernape (stormfront?) x2 or x1 (which ever you perfer.)
hgss & unleashed extras
Entei PROMO (please ask for picture to see condition)
Elite 4's Hippowdon
Shroomish & Breloom Evolution bundle
Roseila & roserade evolution bundle
Hoothoot & Noctowl (hgss promos) evolution bundle.
tell me through pm if this is a deal.
Javier8100 said:so what about our trade have u made up your mind?
Quedus said:Could we do my Arceus {L} for your Arceus {R}?
I could add one of the Trainers you asked for also.
EspeonROX said:I don't need an Arceus {L}, sorry. I do need those Trainers, or any Crobat G you have.
darksoulSP said:My Lugia Legend Top, Lucario X, something else
Your Garchomp X
PM me if this is good!![]()
Javier8100 said:so what about our trade have u made up your mind?
80baby said:CML for the following
1x Gastly (SF)
1x Professor Oaks New Theory (RH)
1x Alph (HGSS)
1x SSU (RH)(UL)
1x (SHINY) Bagon
1x Garchomp X (MD)
Quedus said:Alright, so I'm pretty positive that the Garchomp and Bagon are being traded away soon, and I'm really protective over my Alph. So that leaves the Gastly, PONT, and SSU.
Could we maybe do a Japanese Giratina LvX for them? (I would also put some awesome throw-ins)
80baby said:What throw-ins will u be putting in because the cards that u will trade from what I wanted isn't really worth anything to your average trainer.
Quedus said:Any one card off my list (excluding Primes, Level X's, Legends, Secret Rares) of your choice.
80baby said:Sorry did'nt see anything