(1) ‘CoroCoro’ Leaks, Confirms Mewtwo’s New Forme [4/12]

I don't hate it, but I surely don't like this information. I was hoping for Mewthree. Whatever, I'm gonna wait for the background story on this to have an opinion. I think they have a great oportunity to make the best generation ever, and I'm hoping for it.
Cooler than Mewtwo isn't actually hard to achieve. He's only cool by reputation. By looks, he's one of the least impressive legendaries. By looks, I'd even say Shaymin (Land Forme) and Registeel are more impressive-looking, and they're just a hedgehog and lump of steel.

Who seriously didn't see it being a forme coming? I'm surprised they have barely touched on older legendary Pokemon before now really. The first few generations' Pokemon are starting to feel a bit dated IMO. (Rayquaza and Mewtwo are probably the only two that are even still particularly popular.)
Like others were saying, I'm sort of disappointed that it's not a new Pokemon, but I'm more disappointed in the small amount of info that we've gotten about the games.
It's been over 3 months since the games were announced, and all the info we have gotten is as follow:

January: Announcement of the games, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Xerneas, Yveltal, able to use rollerskates, games are in complete 3D, and will have an international release date of October 2013.
February: Starters have a pure type, Sylveon.
March: Nothing.
April: Mewtwo's new forme.

GF is being incredibly negligent.
"Negligent"? First, Game Freak doesn't owe us anything. They could keep absolutely everything under wraps if they wanted to. Second: we have more information this far out from release than we have in a very long time, at least.

Here's the math: Black and White were officially announced in early April, and released in mid-September (a gap of about five months), while X and Y were announced in early January and will be released in October (about nine months out). So that's four months earlier in development that we got the official announcement. At this point in BW's development, they hadn't even been announced - the only thing we knew was that Zorua and Zoroark existed. Going back a little further, Diamond and Pearl were announced way early, but at this point in their development we just knew about a few random Pokémon: Lucario, Manaphy, Weavile, Mantyke, Chatot, and Buizel, with the last two only just having been revealed. That makes six, the same as the number of X and Y Pokémon we know of now (not including new Mewtwo) - only this time it includes the starters, the version legendaries, and a new Eeveelution, which I think is a lot more exciting, and gives a lot more indication of where the games are going than an event legendary plus a few random species do. It had been a little while since we got some news post-Sylveon, true, but we figured that would happen as the movie's advertising ramped up. And then new Mewtwo came along, which is big news no matter how you feel about it.

Also, remember that there's a lot more to reveals this generation than CoroCoro and Smash. There's nothing scheduled concerning the games, but the fact that the initial announcement was out of absolutely nowhere highlights that any other announcements could come at any time too, and there is a new movie trailer scheduled for the 18th that could reveal more about new Mewtwo and Sylveon. All in all, I think we're pretty well-set for information compared to the past, and even the information we know they haven't given us yet (like Sylveon's type and evolutionary method, and everything about new Mewtwo) hints at some really big possible reveals to come. So I don't know about you, but I'm really excited, and I don't feel "neglected" at all.

On the one hand, I'm REALLY curious as to what this Mewtwo Awakened Form can do! (I'm thinking that's gonna be the name considering the title is now translated as Mewtwo Awakens. Also thinking the Original Mewtwo will be called Dormant Form or something like that.) Until an official name is released, I'm calling it Mewtwo-A. I'm hoping for attack stats of Deoxys-A and defense stats of Deoxys-D... Although it might go more along the lines of Deoxys-A which would make me kinda sad if they did that. =(

However I STILL don't really get the tail moving to the back of it's head and... Well, as I already stated in the beginning: I'M GOD DAMN TIRED OF THIS MORE FORMS BS! T-T Was really hoping for Mewthree.

Well, now I can only hope that maybe they'll pull a Deoxys with Mewtwo and that there's another form waiting in the wings... Yes, I'm tired of forms but it would be nice to get 2 formes unlike the usual 1 that every legendary not named Kyurem got. I also wish that they did do an Origin Kyurem with all 3 dragons combined... Was kinda irked you could only fuse 1 with Kyurem with the Splicers even with BOTH in your party.
@ Setosama, 656 Pokemon, 24 of which (to our knowledge) have forms. That includes Spikey Eared Pichu. Yep, they're totally just giving random formes to random Pokemon for the hell of it. Gen 2 has the most forms of anything because Unown so who's the real jerk >: (

EDIT: I would've preferred this as a new Pokemon but this looks so much better that the original Mewtwo.
Blui said:
@ Setosama, 656 Pokemon, 24 of which (to our knowledge) have forms. That includes Spikey Eared Pichu. Yep, they're totally just giving random formes to random Pokemon for the hell of it. Gen 2 has the most forms of anything because Unown so who's the real jerk >: (

EDIT: I would've preferred this as a new Pokemon but this looks so much better that the original Mewtwo.

Ah, yes, I keep forgetting about Unown. Those are technically forms aren't they? Even though they're not interchangeable. I always though of the various Unown forms as, well, variations of the species instead of forms. Much like Shiny Pokemon or Pokemon being Male or Female (Some having varying sprites in DP-on).

And Spiky Eared Pichu is technically a Gen IV form. Or variation rather. It's exclusive to HeartGold and SoulSilver and can only be found and used there as it can't be migrated NOR can it be traded. It's not really a Pichu form, it's just a VERY special Pichu with a different Sprite which can't evolve. But they do call it a form in the pokedex don't they? That category is a misnomer if you ask me. =/

*edit* would have been kinda cool if Spiky eared Pichu could have evolved to look like Sparky in the anime! XD
*edit2* that's also how I think they should have done the gender differences for pikachu instead of doing that stupid looking heart shaped tale-end in DP. T-T
Oh yeah, to all still whining about "they shouldn't touch gen I pokemon": DIAMOND AND PEARL ALREADY DID THAT WITH VARYING SPRITES FOR MALE AND FEMALE POKEMON! You didn't really bitch about it then so shut your yap about it now! (If you did, go right ahead and continue to do so, but not for Mewtwo-A because he will probably send you into outer space where you will suffer for insulting him! Because unless your name is Mew, Mewtwo, or you have some relation to Freeza{Trunk's fixed spelling} you can't breathe in space and will thus suffocate. XD)
frezgle said:
Whoa, calm down there, champ.

This made me laugh for some reason. Props.

I would have preferred it to be a new Pokemon, but a new form is cool too.
I REALLY hope this new forme tops the special attack of Attack Deoxys, by like 4 points. That'd be amazing. Or at the very least reaches the same level as Deoxys-A or White Kyurem. Increase the base stat total while you're at it, GAME FREAK. Trade some HP and Attack if you need to, Mewtwo, you got this! XD

Some interesting possibilities.

ECHOxLegend said:
Arceus, Lucario, Entei, Darkrai, Jirachi, Keldeo, Cobalion, Virizion, Terrakion, Kyurem and Mewtwo are the only ones to talk out of a butt load of Legendaries.

...What is this blasphemy.
Oh well. Wonder what the backstory/explanation is.

Kinda hope there is more to it than just "bring mewtwo to this npc and it will turn into how it looked in the movie" *points at keldeo*
One poster says (roughly)
"ミュウツーの面影をもつ 謎新のポケモン"
"With (the) remnants of Mewtwo.
A new Pokemon."

And another poster says
"This is Mewtwo's awakened form!" (これがミュウツーの覚醒した姿!!),
so I have no idea what the hell is going on.
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
One poster says (roughly)
"ミュウツーの面影をもつ 謎新のポケモン"
"With (the) remnants of Mewtwo.
A new Pokemon."

And another poster says
"This is Mewtwo's awakened form!" (これがミュウツーの覚醒した姿!!),
so I have no idea what the hell is going on.

I'm pretty sure 面影 doesn't mean "remnant", though, as far as I can tell. More like "aspect" or "facet" or "resemblance" - the whole phrase would be something like "A new Pokémon that has aspects of Mewtwo." Basically just saying that it looks a lot like original-recipe Mewtwo, which is consistent with everything else so far.
DorianBlack said:
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
One poster says (roughly)
"ミュウツーの面影をもつ 謎新のポケモン"
"With (the) remnants of Mewtwo.
A new Pokemon."

And another poster says
"This is Mewtwo's awakened form!" (これがミュウツーの覚醒した姿!!),
so I have no idea what the hell is going on.

I'm pretty sure 面影 doesn't mean "remnant", though, as far as I can tell. More like "aspect" or "facet" or "resemblance" - the whole phrase would be something like "A new Pokémon that has aspects of Mewtwo." Basically just saying that it looks a lot like original-recipe Mewtwo, which is consistent with everything else so far.

Yeah, I noticed some other translations had "resemblance" instead of "remnant". I guess this really is a new forme of Mewtwo. It better have a good story along with it, or else I'm going to be pissed.
I'm starting to get a bit uninterested in X and Y, honestly. I mean, I know it's an international release so we're all gonna be surprised about stuff at relatively the same time, but we have next to no information yet that wasn't revealed on January 8th. Just 2 new Pokémon. We don't know the type of 1 of them, and half the community hates the other--it's not even a new Pokémon, just a forme of something that scientists designed to be perfect already.
Gotta say I liked it as a Pokémon related to Mew/Mewtwo that wasn't Mewtwo. I dislike it as a forme -- especially, since someone else mentioned, it looks younger, less developed.

KurowaSan said:
The only thing disappointing me is the slow news. They gave us a bomb with that awesome announcement trailer and since then, pretty much nothing. Only a new eeveelution, which is still a mystery and we don't even know its type (as we also don't know Xerneas' and Yveltal's types), and a new Mewtwo forme, which we also don't know anything about.
They want to build hype by giving us some bits of incomplete news, so we can discuss and speculate, but it's very little information to support this.
It's ok to try to be mysterious, I guess, but after that long, they are just being negligent.

I agree. When the games were first revealed, my excitement about the franchise had peaked in ways it hadn't for years. With the slow onset of news, however, my interest has waned completely. I understand that there's very likely much fewer new monsters to debut this generation, but even some gameplay news (anything, really) would be beneficial. I know myself and KurowaSan aren't alone in this.
I sure hoped its was going to be a new Pokemon
it doesn't improve mewtwo's form anyway so i just don't get it.

I mean , if you are going to change mewtwo's form its should get more dramatic changes then moving its tail to its head and switch the pink with purple here and there.

The whole concept of forms in this game is really bad. they should change it.