(1) ‘CoroCoro’ Reveals New X/Y Details and Four New Pokemon! [5/11]

I'm digging the panda and the robin. Very nicely done. The lizard thing looks awkward, and I feel the goat...is just ok.
I liked Elikiteru so much I decided to do some fanart. :3

I'm quite loving the typing of Electric and normal.
The normal will add an unnaffectiveness to ghost and I can really see the normal typing changing to something else through evolution.
Also, Parting Remark sounds amazing! The use lowers the opponents stats and then switches out like u turn.
I can imagine using it to lower the opponents stats allowing another pokemon to safely switch in free of danger. I can definitely see this move on many teams.
I love the goat, the robin, and the panda. The lizard looks dumb af too me, but you can't love them all. Overall I am very pleased with them and this makes me really excited.

Love that you can semi-customize your character. They have needed that for a while haha.

Fenneken shooting fire from its ears is a very weird choice, but alright..

I'm so excited for this game!
...and it learns Nitro Charge. That's pretty badass. But the Normal/Flying typing is a bit disappionting considering the moveset. Can't say I expected anything different, though.
Grade: A

Lizard guy is just weird. Like the typing, the design is...meh. Hope it has nice evolutions.
Grade: B-

I like both the design and the typing for the Panda.
Grade: A+

The Goat thing's typing is not really what I would have thought, but there are not many pure Grass types out there. The fact that you can ride him on the field is peculiar. Maybe it replaces the Bike? Other than that, it seems a bit gimmicky.
Grade: A-

Overall, I am quite happy with these new guys. Can't wait for the game's release!
I really like the electric lizard. It's cool that we can ride the "Goatercycle." The panda is cool. And the robin is cool. Is it okay I think its face looks more like a hummingbird than a robin? The new moves seem interesting.
The Goat looks pretty awesome (and rather large when riding it).
The Robin looks sweet. I hope its the early bird that you find near the start of the game and evolves into an awesome fire bird thing, seeing as it knows Nitro Charge but is only a Flying/Normal type.
I really LOVE the Panda.
And the Lizard...well, its pretty cool.
The Pokedex looks awesome and I like the Map (You can see it resembles France pretty well by its shape)
And the fact that you can semi customize your Characters appearance is a nice addition.
Overall, I am psyched for this game, and it seems to sound even better with every leak! :D
The fact that you can change the characters skin tone, hair, and eye color seems great. Seems like another way to put you in the game. I also like how goat Pokemon Gogat is ride able, but the panda Yancham is definitely my favorite.
[I'm pretty sure the other thread will be closed now that this is on the front page, so I'll just copy/paste my opinion on the pokémon...]

Metalizard said:
I like them... Not anything majorly spectecular but they all look nice...

The robin looks a bit plain and when looking at a picture of the real animal, it could be compared to Pidove in the sense that they look little more than stylized designs of the real animal... But still, it looks ok. Learning Flame Charge is also interesting...

As a lot of people predicted, we now have an actual Panda... The fact it is Fighting type makes me think of it as the pokémon incarnation of the Kung Fu Panda...

The lizard-like pokémon is probably the more interesting design... The head doesn't look very lizardish but ok... I feel it will be like the Scraggy of this generation (although in a smaller scale perhaps) as it is kinda weird and people might not like at first... The typing bugs me a bit... I don't see much sense in having Normal as a secondary type... But I guess they're trying new things...

I also think the goat might have no evolutionary relatives... Not much to say about the design... looks fine as it is...

All in all, I'm satisfied with the new pokémon... no complaints here...

Also, after reading that info on Chespin, I now believe its final evo will probably be some sort of middling-slow, physical tank...
Like everything about it, honestly. I wish the scans were a bit clearer so we could see more of the tertiary text and information, but they're always like this, so I can't complain too much. I can see most of these being potential party members for me - all except Gohgohto. It's alright, but I'm not a huge fan, and I usually pick the Grass starter the first time around, and I like Chespin, so that'll probably stay the same.
This is my overall "review" on the new Pokémon revealed today:

Yancham (Panda)
I'm honestly so thrilled that this little guy is a fighting-type, and not a normal-type. I just love the basis of it, it's cute, it looks tough, and the fact that its trademark is the tiny leaf in its mouth solidifies a great new Pokémon.
English name prediction: Panaughty (panda + naughty)
Will it evolve?: Yes, I predict that it will have 1 more evolution

Yayakoma (Robin)
I've never really been a fan of the bird Pokémon, I tend to not even capture them, unless I need to use the HM Fly. But, I think this new one is pretty cute. I enjoy the color scheme, it's something new. And I love that it's based off a robin. I'm not expecting anything "epic" out of its evolution line, but nonetheless I'm excited to see what it'll bring.
English name prediction: Smobin (small + robin)
Will it evolve?: Yes, it will have 2 more evolutions. This is the "main bird" of this generation.

Elikiteru (Lizard)
Overall, I really like this little guy. I don't really find it "cute", but I just overall love the way it looks. Again, I enjoy the color scheme and I absolutely love it's typing! An electric-normal-type sounds epic, I would've never thought of combining those two types, ever - it's just something so new and refreshing. I think I might even think of catching him, too.
English name prediction: Genchar (generate + charge)
Will it evolve?: Personally, I don't think this guy will evolve.

Gogoat (Goat)
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM! Everything about this Pokémon is amazing. Ultimately due to the fact that it's indeed a grass-type, but just it's overall design is so cool. Also, the aspect of being able to ride this Pokémon is just too surreal. I love it and I will without-a-doubt have it on my team.
English name prediction: Rigoat (ride + goat)
Will it evolve?: No, I do not think it will evolve.
So, ten new Pokemon so far and I don't really dislike any of them.

Especially like the panda and the goat (though riding on it seems a bit gimmicky)
The lizard is interesting, as it's the first Pokemon with a secondary Normal type. I wonder if there will be some kind of elaboration on that in terms of a type change via evolution or forme change. Also, I like that the new Pokemon kind of return to a rather simple design.

The new region seems to be more natural than Unova :D , with many mountainous regions, grass- and woodlands and rivers. I hope we get a better image of it soon.
The bird...awwwww. It's so cuuuuute. :3

...Anyways. Among all this cool news, this is what caught my eye:

Froakie, the Bubble Frog Pokemon, can jump up to the height of a three-story building.

Seriously? We're doing this again?
Finally, some new info! What a nice thing to wake up to on a Saturday morning!

The panda is by far my favorite revealed Pokemon so far this gen, it has such a simple, yet interesting design. Its definitely going to have a spot on my team for sure.

Im not a huge fan of the lizards' design, but its good enough I guess- Im much more interested in "why" they gave it a secondary "Normal" typing, though? My only guess is that its meant to change from Normal to something else as it evolves, which opens the door for a typing I have wanted on a non-legend for awhile. Electric/Dragon.

The goat and the robin are meh. Its neat you can ride on the goat, but Id much rather ride on an Arcanine or a Houndoom- so hopefully the riding mechanic is wide spread... and NOT limited to just one area like some have suggested. The robin to me has a pretty uninteresting design, but Im reallly hoping the "Flame Charge" comment is a hint for a non-legend Fire/Flying type when the little guy evolves.

Character Customization is finally here but, lackluster IMO. Hair, eyes and skin tone are pretty basic changes, and Im sure there are others with me that really wanted alot more from it- especially clothing and hair style. Hopefully, the options given to us in Corocoro arent the only ones available.

The extra information given on the starters was pretty pointless, at least for Fennekin and Froakie. Chespin's little excerpt definitely says to me "Grass/Rock or Steel" for its final evo.

EDIT @ Fennex: I believe Sawsbuck was the first Pokemon with a secondary Normal type.
lol gogoat somehow looks to me like a combonation of sawsbuck and terakkion

when will we get the second part of these exiting news anyway?