(1) ‘CoroCoro’ Reveals New X/Y Details and Four New Pokemon! [5/11]

Fennex said:
I don't get the reason behind an Electric/Normal typing either.
If you want to show that a Pokemon has any above-Normal abilities / elemental powers, which however are not sufficient to justify a pure type you would expect it to be Normal/whatever as in the case of Girafarig or Deerling/Sawsbuck.

A possible evolution with a different second type doesn't make really sense either, because as Mitja said GF could just add that type and just come up with an evolution line like
Elikiteru (Electric) --> evolution (Electric/2nd type)

I have a feeling that there is something more about this - apparently arbitrary - secondary Normal type. As I said yesterday I suggest that there might me a possibility to change the Normal type.

After all it's a lizard and I could see it with Kecleon's ability Color Change, so Elikiteru might change to Electric/type of the move that harmed it.

Another thing that came into my mind when I read that Elikiteru "soaks up the sun's rays to generate electricity" is an alternate forme in sunlight with different secondary type.

I like where you're going with this!

It really would make sense if it had a Color Change which works on its second type only.
I think that the part of the sunlight means he gets an ability that boosts his speed in Sunlight (or something like that).
I have a feeling that Electric/Normal indicates some sort of new battle mechanic that depends on secondary type.
It does not really look like it would be able to change its type or forme. I wonder why GameFreak made this decision. I do not think it gets Color Change, although it is a lizard, Color Change (apart from the fact that it was a gimmick ability) would indicate the ability to change its colour, as chameleons do (and a few other lizards to an extent, but not like a chameleon). But Elikiteru does not resemble a chameleon at all..

Maybe it's Electric/Normal just because they felt like making it Electric/Normal?

Seriously, no one went into fits of speculation and WHAT DOES THIS MEEEEEAN over Girafarig, or Bibarel, or Deerling. I know Normal being in the second type spot is new, but so what? The Rhyhorn family is Ground/Rock instead of the way more common Rock/Ground and I've never seen anyone flip out over that. Type order doesn't even have any practical purpose. I really don't think it means anything.
DorianBlack said:

Maybe it's Electric/Normal just because they felt like making it Electric/Normal?

Seriously, no one went into fits of speculation and WHAT DOES THIS MEEEEEAN over Girafarig, or Bibarel, or Deerling. I know Normal being in the second type spot is new, but so what? The Rhyhorn family is Ground/Rock instead of the way more common Rock/Ground and I've never seen anyone flip out over that. Type order doesn't even have any practical purpose. I really don't think it means anything.

The order of types does mean something. Think of the first type as its major element/skill/ability, and the second type as ''and the Pokémon can do this as well''.

A Normal/[type2] makes sense, it would indicate that the Pokémon is ''elementless'', but able to utilise another type as well. Normal as a secondary type would not make any sense, unless there is something special about it. A Normal-type for its secondary type would not add anything to the Pokémon.
DorianBlack said:

Maybe it's Electric/Normal just because they felt like making it Electric/Normal?

Seriously, no one went into fits of speculation and WHAT DOES THIS MEEEEEAN over Girafarig, or Bibarel, or Deerling. I know Normal being in the second type spot is new, but so what? The Rhyhorn family is Ground/Rock instead of the way more common Rock/Ground and I've never seen anyone flip out over that. Type order doesn't even have any practical purpose. I really don't think it means anything.

You've just presented an example yourself...
If it didn't matter, Rhyhorn and Geodude wouldnt have reversed types (especially when theyve been added at the same time).
Geodude is literally a living rock, while Rhyhorn is a mammal with merely a rocky armor. Thats one possible explanation for that example, but of course what decides which order makes more sense varies with type and case...in the end gamefreak decides which one is more appropriate for each pokemon.. (so things which are more vague like Ground, if gamefreak says Golurk is Ground first and then additionally a Ghost, its that and not a Ghost which is additionally Ground)

The difference with this case is that we are talking about NORMAL.
Normal is not a "normal" type (looooooool), its the "default" type, taking the place when there is nothing else.

Bibarel and co are not novel because we've seen Normal/type2 since Pidgey.

It is a curious decision to put Normal on second and definitely involved some kind of reasoning. If as you imply, the type order is just "how they happen to type them in at that point", we would have highly likely seen it happen already, but no...every single occasion since the beginning of the franchise is first Normal and then additionally Flying.

Even on the scan it seems weird, when the typical Normal/Flying bird is RIGHT ABOVE IT to confirm they still stick to this system.
Pokequaza said:
It does not really look like it would be able to change its type or forme. I wonder why GameFreak made this decision. I do not think it gets Color Change, although it is a lizard, Color Change (apart from the fact that it was a gimmick ability) would indicate the ability to change its colour, as chameleons do (and a few other lizards to an extent, but not like a chameleon). But Elikiteru does not resemble a chameleon at all..

Agamas are able to change their color, too and though they are close related to chameleons, they look more like lizards.
Also, I wouldn't over-analyze which type comes first and which second, but in the case of Normal, it has some meaning, as it was never used as a secondary type before.
At first, I didn't like Erikiteru to much, but it's already grown on me. I like Yayakoma the most. I'm indifferent as of now about Yanchamu. It seems fanart-y to me. I don't know if I'm the only one. But it will grow on me. Gohgohto is pretty cool. It's kinda a rip-off of Sawsbuck, but not in a bad way.
Mitja said:
DorianBlack Wrote: *SIGH*

Maybe it's Electric/Normal just because they felt like making it Electric/Normal?

Seriously, no one went into fits of speculation and WHAT DOES THIS MEEEEEAN over Girafarig, or Bibarel, or Deerling. I know Normal being in the second type spot is new, but so what? The Rhyhorn family is Ground/Rock instead of the way more common Rock/Ground and I've never seen anyone flip out over that. Type order doesn't even have any practical purpose. I really don't think it means anything.

If it didn't matter, Rhyhorn and Geodude wouldnt have reversed types (especially when theyve been added at the same time).
Geodude is literally a living rock, while Rhyhorn is a mammal with merely a rocky armor. Thats one possible explanation for that example,

I'm pretty sure that's exactly the explanation behind it. It's what I've concluded ever since I was a kid and noticed they had reversed types... If we look at Donphan and Hippowdon, they are also based on big mammals and they are Ground-type too. But those two are not covered in a rock armor, so they're not Rock-types. They just happened to make Rhyhorn covered with rocks, so it has Rock as its secondary type, instead of primary... If Rhyhorn's design didn't have a rock armor, it would be pure Ground like the other two cases I just mentioned...

It's kinda like Sableye and Spiritomb... The first is Dark/Ghost, the latter is Ghost/Dark...
Metalizard said:
Mitja said:
If it didn't matter, Rhyhorn and Geodude wouldnt have reversed types (especially when theyve been added at the same time).
Geodude is literally a living rock, while Rhyhorn is a mammal with merely a rocky armor. Thats one possible explanation for that example,

I'm pretty sure that's exactly the explanation behind it. It's what I've concluded ever since I was a kid and noticed they had reversed types... If we look at Donphan and Hippowdon, they are also based on big mammals and they are Ground-type too. But those two are not covered in a rock armor, so they're not Rock-types. They just happened to make Rhyhorn covered with rocks, so it has Rock as its secondary type, instead of primary... If Rhyhorn's design didn't have a rock armor, it would be pure Ground like the other two cases I just mentioned...

It's kinda like Sableye and Spiritomb... The first is Dark/Ghost, the latter is Ghost/Dark...

What about Golem then, which has clearly become some sort of animal with a rocky shell, but remains Rock/Ground? Or Larvitar, which is animalesque without even having rocky armor? That logic doesn't really hold up.
^Golem is still a large living boulder, even if it has gained a somewhat animalistic look...
As for Larvitar... The fact that Tyranitar is Rock/Dark and not Ground/Dark might help explain that...
DorianBlack said:
What about Golem then, which has clearly become some sort of animal with a rocky shell, but remains Rock/Ground? Or Larvitar, which is animalesque without even having rocky armor? That logic doesn't really hold up.

The point is that Golem and Larvitar's design integrates more Rock elements than Ground elements. It's kind of confusing, but only because Rock and Ground are similar elements. Here's a better example, let's compare Medicham to Gallade, both Fighting/Psychic and Psychic/Fighting respectively.

Medicham mainly relies on its fighting abilities, but is also capable of some mental abilities as well. Hence, they made it Fighting/Psychic. Gallade, on the other hand, relies more on its mental powers than its fighting abilities. So they made it Psychic/Fighting. The primary type is whichever type is more dominant in terms of design and theme.
It's going to be weird to me to have a Pokémon with Normal as a secondary type. But I like Erikiteru, so who cares. It could be butt type and I wouldn't care. It's adorable.
Bolt the Cat said:
The primary type is whichever type is more dominant in terms of design and theme.

Except that's not the case for Slowpoke, Magnemite, Jynx, Swinub, Corsola, Celebi, Lotad, Vibrava, Lileep, Anorith, Spheal, Jirachi, Palkia, Victini, Scraggy, Pawniard, and Durant. And those are just the ones where I think the second type is clearly more dominant - there are a lot of others where it's pretty much half and half. And that's even without bringing up any Flying types - Gligar, Delibird, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Altaria, and Archen are all far more clearly Flying than they are their primary type, and the same goes for essentially every Normal/Flying Pokémon out there as well.

Type order doesn't really have anything to do with design or theme. It's almost entirely based simply on precedents set by earlier games. Bug almost always goes first, Flying always goes last, etc. etc. But there's no reason for them not to shake it up, and if they are deciding to do that, more power to them. And to lead back to my original point, I think that's what they're doing with Erikiteru - going in a new direction, trying new combinations and shaking things up because the games get stale if they don't. I seriosuly doubt there's some deep reasoning behind it.
Bolt the Cat said:
DorianBlack said:
What about Golem then, which has clearly become some sort of animal with a rocky shell, but remains Rock/Ground? Or Larvitar, which is animalesque without even having rocky armor? That logic doesn't really hold up.

The point is that Golem and Larvitar's design integrates more Rock elements than Ground elements. It's kind of confusing, but only because Rock and Ground are similar elements. Here's a better example, let's compare Medicham to Gallade, both Fighting/Psychic and Psychic/Fighting respectively.

Medicham mainly relies on its fighting abilities, but is also capable of some mental abilities as well. Hence, they made it Fighting/Psychic. Gallade, on the other hand, relies more on its mental powers than its fighting abilities. So they made it Psychic/Fighting. The primary type is whichever type is more dominant in terms of design and theme.

If I may chime in, I have to agree that in general, a Pokémon's design has more to do with the primary type. Of course, that's not always how other people may see it. To some, Walrein, being a walrus/ sea lion, would have more to do with ice because they live in cold places, but others would say that it being an aquatic animal would mean it should be a primary water-type. In the end, it's just how Game Freak sees the typing to be suitable for the Pokémon. I mean, in some Pokémon, it could go either way. order might have a significance in some Pokémon, but may be much less significant in others. In the end I don't think its that much of a big deal. Of course, I personally would find it quite intriguing if they made the typing order more significant.

Blaziken Uchiha said:
^Very yes.

Also, let me rate them.

Electric Weenie Lizard: Not really feeling it yet. I hate unnecessary dual types with normal in them.

Panda: Totally naming him Kung-fu Panda. Or Po.

Gogoat: Love the name, not sure if I like the riding him part... he'll probably have mediocre stats, no evolution, etc. More of a gimmick then anything... so prepare to go to the Pokemon Center about 20 times if you choose to ride him...

The robin: YES. Am I the only one who loves this bird?! Better than Starly and Pidove combined :p

Oh my God! Thank you! Yayakoma is amazing. So adorable. My favorite basic Normal/Flying bird Pokémon other than maybe Rufflet. I keep seeing people say how its to weirdly shaped. It's amazing. I hope it's the regional bird and I hope he evolves into a Fire/Flying type.
DorianBlack said:
Except that's not the case for Slowpoke, Magnemite, Jynx, Swinub, Corsola, Celebi, Lotad, Vibrava, Lileep, Anorith, Spheal, Jirachi, Palkia, Victini, Scraggy, Pawniard, and Durant. And those are just the ones where I think the second type is clearly more dominant - there are a lot of others where it's pretty much half and half. And that's even without bringing up any Flying types - Gligar, Delibird, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Altaria, and Archen are all far more clearly Flying than they are their primary type, and the same goes for essentially every Normal/Flying Pokémon out there as well.

Most of the ones you listed here actually do fit their primary type better, actually. I'll admit there's a few exceptions, but for the most part, it fits.

DorianBlack said:
Type order doesn't really have anything to do with design or theme. It's almost entirely based simply on precedents set by earlier games. Bug almost always goes first, Flying always goes last, etc. etc. But there's no reason for them not to shake it up, and if they are deciding to do that, more power to them. And to lead back to my original point, I think that's what they're doing with Erikiteru - going in a new direction, trying new combinations and shaking things up because the games get stale if they don't. I seriosuly doubt there's some deep reasoning behind it.

There's no need for them to make Normal its secondary type if all they wanted to do with try something different. Normal/Electric hasn't been done before either.
Water Pokémon Master said:
People are always complaining about Pokemon of newer-generations not being "natural" or "simple" enough, and it certainly looks like Gamefreak is trying to address this now.

I get sick of people complaining. If they're too natural, they become cartoon animals/plants etc. I want a Pokémon. There really is no limit to how unnatural one should be. No one ever complained about Magnemite. I do, however like the more natural ones as well. Game Freak has yet to let me down this generation.

Missingno. Master said:
Here's my guesses for their English names:
Gogoat: Goatsteed (goat+steed)
Elikiteru: Lizzap (lizard+zap)
Yayakoma: Roburn (robin+burn)
Yancham: Urslaught (ursa+onslaught)

I would be happy with all those names, though, Roburn would be better for its evolution, since its not Fire/Flying, assuming its evolution is. I think Yanchamu (panda) should be called Pandule. Combo of panda and a corruption of duel.
Right, about that natural/simple design thing... I honestly don't see much difference between the designs of the new 6th gen pokémon and the gen V designs... The style is actually quite similiar and didn't change much. These 4 new pokémon could have been released in Gen V and I wouldn't notice it...

That's why I always think Gen 3 designs are the odd ones... They are drastically different in style compared to the precedent gens or even the later gens...

One last thing about the type order...
@Dorian Black: It's pretty much what that Bolt the Cat said... The primary type is what defines the pokémon, its most prominant trait, while the secondary type denotes an additional characteristic of the pokémon... Of course, there are exceptions... Sometimes, both are simply treated equally... In other cases, the secondary type is indeed the more recognizable one... This means I also don't agree with every type order they've done. I think Celebi and Victini should have Psychic as their secondary type, for example... But sometimes, the order of the types are also influenced by other factors... Like, most fossil pokémon have Rock-type as their primary type because they come from fossils (I believe the only reason Tirtouga/Carracosta are not primarily Rock-type is because while the particular species of sea turtle they were based on are extinct, other sea turtles still exist, while in the case of the other fossil pokémon, the animals they were based on are all extinct; it's kinda like Relicanth which is called a living fossil)... Other times, it's because one of the types was added after evolution (like Trapinch -> Vibrava/Flygon)... In others, I believe it's to maintain consistency like the case of Drapion which I mentioned before...
AdamLambert said:
I get sick of people complaining. If they're too natural, they become cartoon animals/plants etc. I want a Pokémon. There really is no limit to how unnatural one should be. No one ever complained about Magnemite. I do, however like the more natural ones as well. Game Freak has yet to let me down this generation.

I am firmly of the belief that the vast majority of the Pokemon fanbase are the most spoiled rotten people on earth and they will always find a reason to complain about something, whether that complaint is legitimate or not.

They're trying. I can tell that. I may not necessarily like all of what they're showing (I'm rather difficult to please), but they are definitely trying, and I will give them that.