Protip: stop trying to illegitimately get pokemon and you'll be fine . Anyway, off to test if mimic glitched pokemon get throughFreedomeon said:Anybody having trouble transferring PokeGen Pokemon?
It won't let me transfer half a box of them but it allowed the other half. Any idea if it has anything to do with location or level met?
I'm still kind of ticked off at this one person who had their shiny Entei transferred for them. What they failed to mention is that they hacked it (had perfect stats, ideal nature, and was shiny: all from FR/LG). While the mon is theoretically possible, RNG abuse in FR/LG is not humanly possible due to an insanely high frame advancement that players have no control over. Getting a Shiny, perfect IV'd ROAMING legend (everything is set as soon as you see it the first time) with an ideal nature is not going to happen in FR/LG... Needless to say I have no way of finding the original "owner" now so I can explain why his/her hack is so horrendous.