(1) 14 New Cards from 'Black' and 'White Collection' Revealed [11/21]

I'm still not very impressed with anything they have printer, however I am excited about the Black and White card series, and Zororak and Chillacchino might be OK rouges.
do the wave is an awesome attack.
also "raise" attack is pretty good. a new darkness grace, however its on a stage 2 pokemon
Wow this set reminds me sooo much of the Diamond and Pearl set where there was like 1 or 2 good cards that were playable. Artwork is the only thing that it has going for it.
Chillacchino is quite good. I always liked original Do the Wave on Wigglytuff and 100 for 2 colourless is quite good.
Debut generation sets seem to always follow the same pattern of very few playable cards, but the demand and anticipation still remains high simply because they are new pokemon.
Zoroark is in the actual set instead of being just a promo, that confirms that we will get it, that makes me happy.:) The only other cards that are notable are Chillacchino, which looks decent, Reshiram, and Zekrom, but the last two are just so so.