(1) 2011-12 Play! Pokemon Information [9/16]

So it just basically rewards players who are able to attend more events. Hmm well that sucks. The closest events to me are over an hour away so yea it's safe to say I'm not a huge fan of this new system.
I just want the freaking locations to work so I know if I can make one of these. And the FREAKING RULES would be nice too!
It doesn't. There are no more scholarships. They aren't under the prizes either.
i don't understand why if you participate in many event you do a lot of points. It'S only the top 2 players for battle road that win points, so you need to be very confident to do like 10 battle roads and hoping to be in the top 2 at at least 8....

I don't understand it, players will not have many points and it will be always the same players that will receive points. There is no participation points.

A lot of players want to go to Battle Roads in Ontario but with this new system, they don't want to go because they know they will not have points.
wonderful system IMO =) I can't make it to more than one regionals, but I can make it to 2 or 3 states. good times.
Well, at least you dont lose points by making 1 misplay.
And guys, the ELO system is still there, just for comparing players or something.
I like it..I won't be able to go to alot of all br's because of my mom's surgery in oct (and I have to take care of her for a month-2 after), so If I do well in the spring it's still good

If they woulda had this last year I wouda got an invite to worlds for sure
Also this is unfair to players (such as me) who can only make it to 1 of each tournament (exculding Nationals and Worlds) each year, I only got to go to 2 Fall Battle Roads ONE TIME and that was because the day after I went to the first one, my Grandma came to my house and I got to go to the other one a little ways away... (stupid economy and gas money are the causes of these problems for many people)
This entire topic is a classic example of the phrase "You can't please everyone."
DNA said:
This entire topic is a classic example of the phrase "You can't please everyone."


The points system has always been for the cutting-edge of players. Players under the ELO system were rewarded for only winning. This discouraged playing in cuts. Now, the new system encourages constant play with is FANTASTIC. Jason K. won for the first time in about a year today... he is a really competitive dude, and not even he wanted to play out events. I dropped at nats to get an invite. THAT JUST SHOULDN'T HAPPEN. Now, very skillful play is being rewarded. I have mild flaws that I can spot in the system, but it is encouraging competitive players to (um) play... so that's really good. I am actually going to travel over weekends for battle roads just in case. An extra battle roads could mean the difference between an invite now. That is AWESOME!!! For those of you who aren't terribly competitive, the rating systems weren't made for you anyways. If you happened to squeak by an invite before, good job. Now, I feel the top players will be rewarded for being on top... no more of this "I got paired against a 1600 and got donked" nonsense. >.<
I also love the fact that it actually takes skill into account. Now people HAVE to play through in order to get an invite. Maybe they will still get an invite but at least now they had to work hard for it. Nice play TPCi.
richkid50000 said:
I also love the fact that it actually takes skill into account. Now people HAVE to play through in order to get an invite. Maybe they will still get an invite but at least now they had to work hard for it. Nice play TPCi.
It takes a different kid of skill. ELO system rewarded notplaying/dropping at the right time. This system really rewards skillful play and playing in MANY events. I could have dropped a round earlier than I did at nats and made it, but I played it safe and made it in. Just sayin' ;D
after my first BR's of the season, there was almost 100 players.. (as there was 49 tables) so there was 7 rounds. eveyone knew that if you lost 2 games you would probably not top cut. which made tons of people drop as soon as they hit the 2 round loss threshold. so, it makes people play through top cut, but it also makes other people drop, I couldn't tell you the amout of people that got bye's because an opponent dropped.

round seven had 34 tables, and 8 byes because of players leaving instead of dropping properly. so, good and bad. I even heard one of the people that top cut ask the TO if they could just drop and get their point, but he couldn't. so he just scooped two games in a row to go home eventhough he went 7-0 in swiss.

On the Pokemon website, it includes "State/Province/Territory AND Regional Championships" together. Does this mean you can get points from 4 of each, or 4 from the two combined?