(1) 2012 Video Game Championship Rules Posted! [9/19]

xxashxx said:
It does because she uses soft boiled if my attack does not KO her Blissey and it takes 5-6 hits sometimes. Not all my Pokemon have attacking moves. Most have moves that run off the SP ATK unless it is a Pokemon that has high attack anyway.:)


Then just use physical-based attacks!!! There are plenty of Pokemon with high Sp. Def and Defense.

Deal with Blissey and beat it down with Infernape's Close Combat. Problem solved.
The thing is I don't like moves that lower stats or injure myself when I use them. I also use moves with 85% accuracy or higher. That is why it takes me longer man.:)

EDIT: On my Platinum I am currently raising a Flareon and I don't let the Pokemon battle unless they are over level 65. So now it is at level 86 but sometimes the attacks don't do enough damage but they do alot. I use Fire Blast to KO it though but sometimes it misses and she uses toxic which is annoying because I have to keep healing almost every turn until the attacks are drain so I can attack.:)
Latios used Psyshock! Foe Blissey lost at least 80% of its HP. Many other Pokemon with strong physical attacks can OHKO or 2HKO Blissey. It can be used in Ubers, but Blissey itself is no where near broken.
If it takes 6 hits to take out Cheryl's Blissey in game then why is it not considered uber?
So wait, because you take so long to defeat a simple Pokemon, and in-game at that, you think that all Blissey should be banned from competitive OU?

...HOW does that work?
I don't take long man. I have always had problems with Cheryl's Blissey. It is strong enough with the defense pool and up to 700+ HP that it should warrant to be an uber due to the fact that the defense moves can make it hard to beat. I just think it should be uber but that is just me though.:)
Look at OU. OU is primarily a physical-based metagame.
Blissey won't last long at all.
Oh ok. Thanks man. Sorry if I was annoying.:( I just thought she would be as Blissey is typically annoying XD.:)
Blissey also spells less trouble in doubles because you could just ignore it and attack the partner. (Blissey is an offensive liability)
Pokémon may only use moves that have been learned through one of the following methods:
By leveling up
By TM or HM
As an Egg move, through breeding
From a character in the game
A move already known by a Pokémon received at an official Pokémon event or promotion
Pertaining to what I bolded...obviously that means that move tutor moves are acceptable, but...which games? xD Does anyone happen to know if I can use 4th gen move tutor moves on my Pokemon for this?
You can use 3rd and 4th gen move tutors. It says in the rules that you can migrate Pokemon from past games into Black/White, along with any moves they have, so move tutors are acceptable.
I think for this VGC, an anti-weather team seems best with all of those Politoeds/Ninetales/Tyranitars running 'round with their fancy abilities. Abomasnow can be switched in to ruin the current weather, but you have to be wary of Ninetales and Tyranitar. Yet Politoed is pretty much walled by Abomasnow, besides from the fact that it gets Focus Blast....alright never mind. Golduck and Lickilicky have Cloud Nine, which is always good for a weather counterer. Altaria has it also, but its 4x weakness to Ice type moves is a huge thorn it its side. Hitmontop can possibly OHKO a Chople Berry Tyranitar with a Fighting Gem Technician Mach Punch. Ludicolo totally walls Politoed, and takes advantage of the rain. Sun teams are pretty much ruined once you get up a Rain Dance, so you can maybe bring in a Thundurus to BRING IN THE RAIN. Just an idea. Hope this helps! :3
I'm actually raising an anti-weather team for the VGC. My idea isn't to cancel existing weather, but to utilize Pokemon that take advantage of the active weather. I don't have a Pokemon like that for Hail, but Hail is terrible anyway, so why bother?

The main problem for me will probably be Thundurus. I haven't thought of how to stop him yet. I've got an idea, but that's all I got.