Articuno / Fliptini / Vileplume –(Its like a flippy but nastier Bearticplume.) My next pet league deck, come this set in America.
And on that subject, next we get Noble Victories in early November right?
And what’s in that? Just Red Collection and the Victini decks?
So this Hail Blizard and Psyco Drive stuff, Along with the ReshramZekram EX Decks should be in our next set in, what, February right?
Or are there other Japanese sets I’m forgetting?
I Look at all these EX’s and full arts and wonder if they arnt going to split them up between multiple American sets. Unless there is a whole new video game/color scheme set coming out in the spring like the last two years. (admittedly that’s all the time I’ve been paying attention) But if that were the case we probably would have heard about the new game coming soon in Japan already wouldn’t we?
Sorry if Im rambling its late and I cant sleep.