(1) 3DS Pokemon Game Coming to America This Year [1/3]

Water Pokémon Master said:
I deleted the story. The wording is a bit ambiguous and it's just "duh" that we'll be getting a 3DS Pokemon game this year anyway.

Another source claims that the wording is wrong, and that the game is for the Wii, not the 3DS. Is that true?
Another source claims that the wording is wrong, and that the game is for the Wii, not the 3DS. Is that true?

Yeah I'm not too sure I still think that there is pokemon 3ds coming
A game for the Wii huh?
Please be something like Coliseum or Gale of Darkness. Somethin mixed with PBR like that. I'd love to see that.
I'm pretty sure its Pokepark 2, which was already announced. The news source had it wrong, I believe.
Regardless if the wording is wrong or not, I'm still sure that there's bound to be at least one new Pokemon game for the 3DS to come out this year, I personally think that probably another spin-off game (Ranger most likely, but possibly MD). I also think that Grey will be released march 2013 because
1. They typically release pokemon games in March-April
2. I think that game freak is slowly trying to transition from DS to 3DS by releasing spin-off titles exclusively on the 3DS and making games like the crossover game that was revealed back in December

On a side note I'd really like to see a Mystery Dungeon game that would be designed like red and blue, how they had one game for the older platform and one for the newer. This would transition DS owners into buying the 3DS because of enhanced features such as street pass compatibility.
On a side note I'd really like to see a Mystery Dungeon game that would be designed like red and blue, how they had one game for the older platform and one for the newer. This would transition DS owners into buying the 3DS because of enhanced features such as street pass compatibility.
I'd like to say something here - When RRT and BRT came out for different systems, I was not at all inclined to get BRT - I did not like the DS (and to be honest I still don't); I was very attached to the GBA and still am, hence why I immediately got RRT and never looked back. As far as I could tell, the only difference was the platform. And it was.

tl;dr version: releasing PMD games on two different handhelds will not necessarily make people transition over.
I think they did that because they were in a transitional phase, not to get people to transition to the new system--you do that by releasing something on the new system and not the old. I'd bet there is a GBA Pokémon Mystery Dungeon and a DS Pokémon Mystery Dungeon to get both audiences. (And there's the WiiWare one. Did that one ever get released outside of Japan?)
Zorua said:
It's definitely too early for them to make Gray or a Ruby/Saphhire Remake, so it's probably a spin-off. I hope its a new Mystery Dungeon, because that'd look awesome in 3D. And I haven't cried at the end of a video game in awhile, so lets do it again
This September Black and White will be 2 years old. That's pretty much the exact amount of time it took for Platinum.