(1) A New Forme of Mewtwo Revealed for the 16th Movie? [4/3]

Pikaslash said:
Just made an account to post this really
May be some truth in this, note the space under Mewtwo along side the Genesect forms

Two different hexagon spots O_O

Looks like the left one is made for something smaller... Mew?
It's fairly clear that the 'poster' is actually a plastic carrier bag, and the inconsistencies are due to the plastic having folded in on itself.
Hmm Mew would be pretty cool to see come back. I would not mind a new form, as long as it does not look like the one we've seen, looks awful!
It's about time Mewtwo went Super Saiyan 3.
Or is this the fabled Mewthree?

I'm not to fond of the design, but if it is real, it's not too bad.
Jay said:
Frieza appearing in Pokemon, what was the world come to?

Where were you since 1995?

I always thought that was one of the main inspirations lol
Murr? (I'm speechless)

I really hope the pokemon they're planning to reveal this sunday isn't...."Mewthree". I want a new pokemon from Gen VI, not I.
One thing I can tell you is that the ink stopping on the edge of the large image would only be consistent with an ink shortage if the pamphlets/posters were printed with an inkjet printer, something I highly doubt considering how expensive that form of printing is compared to laser and offset printing. Most posters/pamphlets, especially ones made by/for a company as large as Pokémon/Nintendo/Game Freak would likely be done via offset printing, and that sort of printing (same as laser) is done in layers, so you wouldn't have all the colours inexplicably stop at the same time like that. The ink trailing off DOES look like it could be a printing error, just not a professional one.

That alone makes me think it's a fake.

The fact that the image doesn't go all the way to the top is another matter. Many full-bleed (this means the image goes all the way to the edge with no border) printed items are printed with a bit extra around the edges of the "final" image and then with a white/paper-coloured border and crop marks (if you've ever seen a serial box or poster or something slightly miscut, you probably know what those look like). After printing, the final product is then cut before distribution. However, there are no distinctive crop marks appearing on what we can see on the image, and there even seems to be a bit of a darker border right on the edge. This lends further credence to believe that this is a fake. Even if it were a prototype design that was printed single-off in an office or something (which would account for the inkjet-look of the printing), it would likely still have those crop marks.
Mitja said:
lol, whats everyones problem?

It looks terrible. That is my problem with it.

Mitja said:
the responses so far remind me of a poke-meme I saw recently which ended with
"Ive got to say I kinda feel sorry for the people of my generation who are still afraid to open their eyes on new stuff"

Thing is, I like the new Pokemon so far. Xerneas and Yveltal look pretty darn sweet, Fennekin, Froakie and Chespin are also pretty cool (the latter is growing on me, as he was my least favorite). This... Thing just isn't.

Mitja said:
cause everytime any new unexpected design shows up (just think back to kami formes last year lol), either a suspicious but no-way-to-tell-professional leak or something official, 90% go into outrage for the full 3 turns simply because

Perhaps because they don't like them? I was skeptical at first, and to be honest, I still haven't really gotten used to them, but still, at least they are acceptable as formes and as Pokemon. This... This "forme" of Mewtwo (if it is a forme of Mewtwo, that is, and I deeply hope that it is not) is just downright insulting.
Jay said:
Frieza appearing in Pokemon, what was the world come to?

The original Mewtwo looked like Frieza. This one looks like Majin Buu.

Maybe Shenron will be the mascot for Pokemon Z???????
There is a user on BMGf who posted this...


the members over on the site are saying that it's from an artist on deviantart so I think it's safe to say that the Mewtwo forme is a fake.
Guys Mew and Mewtwo obiously merged to create this sexy species of a Pokemon we may now know as Mewthree.

And Three means gen three which obiously means GEN THREE REMAKES!!!

''You got a problem with my new brother?''

It is GameFreak, so who knows, they have done worse things. Although I do question the credibility of these posters.
Light Type PoKéMoN Exist said:
There is a user on BMGf who posted this...

*insert image here*

the members over on the site are saying that it's from an artist on deviantart so I think it's safe to say that the Mewtwo forme is a fake.
Reverse image search--unless I'm using it incorrectly--doesn't come up with any results. Could you link that thread or the deviantart page?
Just.... No. Looks fake, probably is fake, and I would literally be upset if this was real. Mewtwo cannot and should not have another forme. Unless it's mewthree. Then I'm ok, but still upset
don()shinobi said:
Light Type PoKéMoN Exist said:
There is a user on BMGf who posted this...

*insert image here*

the members over on the site are saying that it's from an artist on deviantart so I think it's safe to say that the Mewtwo forme is a fake.
Reverse image search--unless I'm using it incorrectly--doesn't come up with any results. Could you link that thread or the deviantart page?

Sure here's the link to thread where I saw it...

I hope it's fake, it looks just weird o_0 also on a completely unrelated note, there's a Sableye behind Ash too...