(1) Accelgor and Escavalier from 'Red Collection' [6/3]

actually i see this card as BETTER than donphan, here is why

free retreat...enough said


can beat blastgatr which will be a top deck...
The problem with Accelgor is his fire weakness.
With Reshiram running around, you will get 160 hit with his Outrage atk and you need at least 3 atks to beat it.
Donphan is the better choice, since you don't need anything else (mostly).
With Accelgor you need a second one to switch with the atking one.
(You've read the "This Pokemon can't use Slashing Strike during your next turn." phrase?)
Also you can tech Donphan with Serperior and/or Reuniclus.
Donphan >>>>> Accelgor

Escavalier is nicely desinged but nothing you want to play. Nice idear, nice artwork. Nothing more to say. ^^