(1) Advent of Arceus Scans / Translations [7/6]

To eveyone who said the trasltions were wrong. The shinies aren't even up. :/

I love the Gengar. The attack is way to broken with the SF Gar. I hate how it is 3 though.
This set is going to be awsomeness :D

- Spiritomb = Great
-Zapdos G = disappointing
- Most others = good
Finally a Froslass and Glalie that have something to do with eachother besides both evolving from Snorunt.
The Toxicroak looks like fun too.
That set makes me sad. 3 SPs? Really?? Well, at least the Poygon-Z G is good (Although Zapdos and Beedrill are terrible). Spiritomb looks really cool as a starting staller where you retreat it with Moonlight, use all of your trainers, send it back up and evolve manually with its attack. I wish I could see its artwork though. I also like Gengar X as if the player is really stupid enough to shuffle my Absol G LvX, Gallade 4 Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X, etc... into the deck, I'll just play them again and get the benefit.
lol, Gengar Lv. X is overhyped. Sure, they have to shuffle back in Lv. Xs, whoop-de-doo. A lot of decks can do well without Lv. Xs, and its attack isn't all that great. Sorry, but all it does for Gengar SF is add HP.
ice10champ said:
Next Worlds = 75% Gengar Lv.X decks.
25% Everything that will die miserably.

Not true. You don't know what's going to be in the May set, do you?

There will be many decks that can take advantage of the Lv.X.
Okay, everything should be completely fixed and error-free. However, we are only human and it is very late, so if you find any errors, please post them here for me to fix. Thank you!
A Platinum set where they don't focus around SP pokemon!!?? At last!!
The new tools are looking great. The Arceus lvX's aren't all that great IMO, but the gengar lvX is just ridiculously broken.

hmmm. Luxray AoA + Porygon G + Departmeant girl = Smexy
Not sure if the Beedrill Gs could count for Beedrill GE's attack. In theory you could have 4 of the stage 2 Beedrills and 4 Beedrill Gs. Although bench space is limited to 6...imagine SSU your Claydols or whatever techs and drop 2 Beedrill Gs for 60 more damage...

However, if one must argue that they don't count, I offer the following response: The card Charon's choice allows you to switch out your active Rotom for any Rotom in your deck. However, most of the popular Rotoms are not just named Rotom (e.g Fan Rotom, Cut Rotom, etc). That being said, we are still allowed to use Charon's Choice to switch out any one of those Rotoms. That is food for thought, eh?
3 years ago, a young boy wrote down on a small piece of paper that Jirachi HL should be reprinted and made 20 times more awesome for future generations to experience... little did he know that wish would come true today in a somewhat Gastly form (pun intended)

Apart from Spiritomb, Cringegar LvlX and a few other things (Porygon Z might go well in a deck I am planning) I dont really think this is that good of a set (First impressions anyway). The only thing that looks really interesting right now are the trainers and how Expert belt can be a brilliant card if used in the right hands.

Edit: Anyone think that Department Girl looks like Trucy Wright from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney?
Tangrowth + Shaymin Lv.X + Sceptile GE/Leafeon Lv.X could turn into something... The Tangrowth Lv.X isn't that bad either.
GrimsChild said:
Edit: Anyone think that Department Girl looks like Trucy Wright from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney?

ow em gee. she does xD thats awesome.
gengar is on top of my wants list, as soon as the set comes out xD

and the artwork is awesome!