(1) All BW3 'Psycho Drive' and 'Hail Blizzard' Scans and Translations! [9/14]

Water Pokémon Master

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(BTW, if you spot any typos, let us know - Bangiras and I have been up all night and might have missed some.)

Notable Cards are:
Shiny Chandelure

Shiny Emboar
Ability: Inferno Dance
Choose 1 Fire Energy card from your hand, and attach it to one of your Pokemon. You can use this ability any number of times during your turn.

Choose 3 Basic Energy cards from your deck, show them to your opponent, and put them in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Pokemon collector re-print?

Lapras - Water – HP100
Basic Pokemon
[W] Call For Family: Choose 2 Basic Pokemon cards from your deck, and play them onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Starter in water decks?

Level Ball
Level Ball - Trainer’s Goods

Choose 1 Pokemon from your deck with HP of 90 or less, show it to your opponent, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

I'm sure these are just a few, but these were ones I noticed.
*Passes out*

"Doctor! What's wrong with him?!"

"I'm afraid he's suffering from a rare syndrome called 'too much awesome'."

"Is there anything we can do?"

"We don't have to do anything. The patient will recover once he realises that he has no money."

I'm really liking the artwork in this set. So much that I wish to collect the entire set, just for the awesome imagery. Too bad most of the EX's are not that good for players, but for collector's it's good. With the overabundance of Ultra-Rares tells me this set will be split in the US.

This is a good era in the Pokemon TCG with constant amounts of great sets.
I'm really digging the new Musharna card. I think it's cool that you can use it in any deck that may need a little boost in draw power. Sadly, with that 3 retreat cost it's just asking to be dragged up. :/ Overall I think this is an awesome set. Even if all of the Pokemon were awful I would love it because of all the super and secret rares... :F Collecting this set (not that I'm going to) looks like it's going o be a pain. =P
BeserkMagikarp said:

Notable Cards are:
Shiny Chandelure

Shiny Emboar

Pokemon collector re-print?

Starter in water decks?

Level Ball

I'm sure these are just a few, but these were ones I noticed.

Wrong, Cilan gets basic energy not basic Pokemon. though it still has its uses.

Not a bad set, actually it's quite pleasing, other than Mewtwo though, not much will shatter the game...but then again we still haven't seen Reshiram and Zekrom's ventures into the realm of EX yet
Wow so much potential in this set, a lot of good stuff. Glad I stayed up late for the translations!

Too much to go over in this post, but some gems:

-Bronzong is quite nifty, preventing blissey prime and max potion.
-Vanilluxe has a nice double gust ability that will help a lot of matchups (perhaps a bit against gothitelle)
-Groudon EX is a nice fighting attacker that will work well in tandem with Donphan.
-Cilan is brilliant, searching out 3 energy at once is much needed, will help ZPS, emboar, feraligatr etc,
-Weavile is a good counter to tool abusers, although we don't have too many tools yet
-Cryogonal, great tech for water decks (pretty much a water bellsprout with higher HP that can auto scoop up itself)

-Lapras is the starter water decks needed, solid 100HP, call energy effect, nice card overall
-Foongus works nicely with Leafeon and Victorybell, will see some play no doubt
-Arcanine isn't amazing, but I like Arcanine so I can't complain haha
-Skyarrow bridge is a good stadium, should make smeargle a bit more playable
-Level Ball is probably the best card in the set, very nice search, and will be useful when collector gets rotated out as well.
Zebstrika, Jellicent and Starmie all look cool and sound like fun, but probably won't be too competitive.

Phew, my 2 cents. Looks like a great set, and I hope TPCi don't split it up for out February set :)
This set has some GREAT artwork. That Panpour card might be the funniest TCG artwork I've seen in a long time.

I do wish they picked some different older Pokemon, though... namely, ones that aren't in the HGSS-on rotation. But so many pretty pictures regardless!

ETA: I'm also pleased with the blue Basculin and Zen Darmanitan getting their own cards. Now all we're missing are the autumn/winter Sawsbuck and some Frillish/Jellicent cards that have the female forms as the main focus of the picture. The directors should have had the girl jellyfish in the front this time, the male ones had their spotlight in Red Collection! :(
Looks like a pretty damn solid set, lots of really interesting cards. A lot of cards I could see working their way into the metagame lik Mewtwo, Gardevoir, Cilian, Gigas. Then also a ton of cards that might not be game shattering, but still really fun to play like Lucario, Foongus, Conkeldurr, etc.

Just a couple combos off the top of my head
Mewtwo EX + Gardevoir + Eviolite (holy hell I'm using this when the set comes stateside)
Foongus + Leafeon
Gardevoir + MewGar
Lucario + Rocky Helmet
Cilian + Feraligatr/Emboar
A deck idea for all the gamblers out there:

Embroar, Fliptini, Darmanitan :)

This set is just incredible, just so much great stuff. Not anything real game breaking, just great cards.
first the mistakes:

Duosion's Rollout does 20 damage
Foongus does not evolve from Amoonguss. The names on those two are reversed in the article.

Time for some fun things:

Ferrothorn, Unfezant, and Sawsbuck = where have I seen these before
Level Ball = maybe next format's way to search for Basics?
DarMAXitan = Amazing. People will probably run that with Gardevoir for amazing flip power, and most everyone else could just tech it like they do Zoroark - that is, with a DCE.
Groudon EX = <3
Weavile = a fun counter to stuff. Penalty Game!
Cilan = okay, now we finally have a reliable way to search for Energy. I am pleased.
Pokemon Center = and people thought it would be the new Nidoqueen...
Emboar and Chandelure = oooooooooh shiny

And of course the artwork for this set as a whole is pretty good. Some cards are really bad artwork wise (like Muk), and others are really good (like Groudon). Looking forward to this set. So I hope.
So, it turns out I was wrong and some of the new card of EP were actually from these sets. That's makes me wonder what will happen to Pidove and Ferrothorn...
Anyway, Groudon EX artwork is freakin' awesome! Probably the best yet, with Kyurem and Skymin behind IMO... and yeah, happy to see cards for the alternate forms (Blue Basculin, Darmanitan Zen, etc.) and new pokémon in their other elemental type (Fire Chandelure, Metal Bisharp)...
I kind of wish I preordered a box of PD now instead of HB, but I'll deal with it.

The shiny choices really seem kind of random though, unless I'm missing some common thread - A reprint of a majorly featured Pokemon, one of the a shinies in the movie, a single one of the starters and some random second stage
SO.... MUCH.... BROKEN!!!!! MIND = BLOWN! Oh crap now I have to scrape brains off of the cieling....
speedrill is back in a form of Reuniclus.
Vaniluxe will be nice in a format full of gothitelle
Also we got our third set of the monkey trio.
Donphan,cinccino,jumpluff,magnezone prime and mew prime will benefit of heavy ball and levelball (not both of them)
But worst of all: Too much high HP basic pokemon with many forms of benefits for tanking.
Thank you TPC, SP's are back in a form of legendary pokemon.
This set is awasome!!!! It has something for everyone. I can't think of 1 deck that doesn't benifit from it. I love it nuff said.
The Wii Man1234 said:
This set is awasome!! It has something for everyone. I can't think of 1 deck that doesn't benifit from it. I love it nuff said.
Yanmega Prime doesnt benefit from it. it only gets worse from this set.