Well… This set is both nice and weird at the same time. There are very interesting and unique cards but the set is full of oddities and bad choices in terms of set planning.
My comments on the cards:
.Lileep/Tirtouga/Archen - They finally improved the fossil pokémon. That ability is definitely useful. I suppose all fossil pokémon that appear after this set will have the same ability.
->Also, 1st oddity of the set: Lileep and Cradily but no Anorith and Armaldo. Wtf?
.Cradily - Yeah, Garchomp Lv. X relative for sure. That's a really good attack. Stage 2's need help in the current state of the game. I hope it works in practice.
.Accelgor - Like that connection with Escavalier...
.Virizion-EX - seems good. more of a supporter than a straight attacker but good nonetheless...
.Genesect-EX - Good too. Don't how much use people will give to its Ace Specs, but at least it has various options...
.Volcarona - disappointing... (but not to the point of excluding it from a Volcarona collection

->Only 2 Fire type cards? Seriously? And it's just a Unova line...
.The Water-types suck indeed. Octillery, Glalie and Abomasnow are all pathetic...
->Snorunt, Glalie, but no Froslass. Really? Seems like Ralts line from Next Destinies all over again.
.Relicanth - Help Fossils maybe?
.Carracosta - Not very good, but the first attack might be a fun deck ideia with fossils...
.Eelektross - Not impressed...
->Again, only one Electric line, and it's just a Unova family...
.Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf - They're bad, simply put. I wonder if their presence as regular pokémon means no EX cards for them... It didn't happened with the Legendary birds when they appeared in Next Destinies, but we're near the end of the BW era, so I don't know what to expect...
.Dat Sigilyph... We already have a lot of tools and this set introduces even more, so there are so many options and combinations, it will be fun to see what people come up with for Sigilyph...
.Golurk - The artwork is cool but I don't see the necessity of another Golurk line, plus I'd expect it to be Fighting, instead of Psychic again...
.Machamp - Useful ability but wasted on a stage 2. It's interesting to note they added a coin flip to the effect of Close Combat. Back in DP, the bad effect was automatic...
.Archeops - Like DNA said, Defeatist hidden in there... though I think the card is decent... 100 for 2 [F] is not bad at all...
->Note that other than the Landorus-T promo in Japan, there are no other Plasma Fighting Pokémon...
.Jirachi-EX - Is Jirachi trying to compete with Meloetta for worst EX ever? Sure, the effect is good but I don't think it's worth it on an EX with only 90HP...
.Dialga-EX and Palkia-EX - I had a suspicion these 2 would be Plasma Pokémon when they got EX cards. But I wasn't expecting Dragon-type... Honestly, both don't seem very good. Expensive energy cost/damage output ratio for effects that rely on Special Energies and are not even that amazing. Dialga is bit better than Palkia though. A bit disappointed with these two, comparing to the dominance Dialga and Palkia G Lv.X's had in their time...
.Axew - Reference to the anime is nice...
.Fraxure - Nature Preserve up in there...
.Druddigon - Druddigon, you again? I don't get why the only good Druddigon card we have is the one that is still Colorless (in Noble Victories). All Druddigon cards made since the Dragon-type was introduced suck. Not only that, but after that horrible Plasma Druddigon, they made another, but slighty better Plasma Druddigon as a promo in Japan which makes me think why did they even made the first one. If those two weren't enough now we get another Druddigon, which isn't Plasma but is not going anywhere either. oh well...
->Note: All Pokémon featured in Dragon Selection have received new cards in main sets with the exception of the Salamence line. I expect it to appear in the next set...
.Porygon-Z - meh... may have its uses...
G - Can't unsee the similarity. I wonder what's so attractive about Chatot for evil organizations...
.Root Fossil Lileep - lool...
.I like how there's a tool to counter/help each specific type of pokémon. Silver Bangle helps normal Pokémon counter EXs, Silver Mirror helps normal Pokémon counter Plasma Pokémon, and Reversal Trigger helps Plasma Pokémon. The art for Silver Bangle and Silver Mirror are specially cool, with Silver Mirror having those dragons around the glass...
.Iris - seems decent at least. PlusPower on steroids if you're losing...
.Scoop Up Cyclone - First, Computer Search, then Item Finder as Dowsing MCHN (which is the same thing anyway), and now Scoop Up gets a reprint as an Ace Spec. Sure, Scoop Up had the problem of discarding the other cards but the base effect is the same.
.FA's - Why do the FAs of Plasma EXs look always so dark? It's probably the scans but I can't really see what effects they put in the background other than the Plasma symbol and the lightning bolts...
.Shiny Exeggcute - ahah... Nice
.Shiny Virizion - Now, there's only Cobalion left...
If I'm not wrong, the set is the first to introduce cards that specifically counter Plasma Pokémon. Which is interesting because in Plasma Freeze (SpiralForce/ThunderKnuckle), most of the artworks show Unova covered in Ice, but in this set, not only there are less cards that depict that scenario, a lot of them also shows the pokémon breaking the Ice. That goes with the introduction of Plasma-countering cards. It's like, they're showing that this set is the beginning of the end of the Plasma era.
Anti-Plasma cards:
.Drifblim - Nice ability but not very powerful...
.Sawk - If only there were non-fully evolved Plasma Pokémon...
.Houndoom - I wonder what was the purpose of Houdoom from Dragons Exalted. Anyway, it's surprising that not only Houndoom is not a Plasma Pokémon, it also counters Plasma Pokémon...
.Haxorus - That Haxorus makes me proud! The art is awesome (my favorite artist, Kouki Saitou) and the card is awesome (instant KO for Plasmas and the other attack can be used too). Good job...
.Already commented Silver Mirror...
I also think they did a bad Pokémon distribution. Lots of Pokémon that already have more than 1 card in the BW era. Why another Lapras? Another Musharna line? Another Aggron line? The Druddigon I already mentioned...
There are a lot of Pokémon that still didn't appear in BW.
That's why I really hope this is not the last BW set. It would be stupid leaving the other Pokémon without cards in BW. This set has no Armaldo, no Froslass... Another notable Pokémon waiting for a card are the Swampert line, Tyranitar, the other Fossil Pokémon, Rhyperior (and Golem for that matter), Pidgeot, etc.... Plus the missing EX legendaries: Arceus, Suicune*, Regirock, Regice, Manaphy* and the Lake trio*. I hope there's indeed another, final set, that brings the rest of the Pokémon to the BW TCG era.
*I hope that the Manaphy card in Plasma Storm, the Suicune in this Kyurem/Blastoise deck and the pixies in this set are not excuses for not making EX cards for them, specially Suicune (I'm looking at you, DEX Tornadus-I EX)...