(1) All 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

well, its not like the set was cut rather postponed and not included in unleashed.
unleashed = japanese expert and starter decks + primes from revived legends.
still a crappy set in it of itself.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Rare Candies and Lanturn Prime. Thats all I really want from this set. Sure, the goods are nice, and I wouldnt mind them. And the primes are pretty cool too. But other than that, this set doesn't offer a lot.:(
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Actually, now that I look at the scans again, I have noticed somthing.

The two missing slots will be Leafeon and Magmortar.

Think about it. Jirachi is #1/95 and the cards are listed alphabetically. Card #4 is Metagross.

What letters come between J and M???
-K and L.

There is no pokemon I can think of for K, and leafeon is from the battle starter deck.

Now the #3 slot is magmortar because it fits alphabetacally AND there is a magmar in the list as well.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

@shadoworganoid: Manaphy is #3/95

I´m quite happy that they release all the ugly cards from the Battle Starter Decks and the Expert Deck now so they don´t get on my nerves in the future. So the 3rd HS set would probably be freaking awesome. Do you think they will include all the remaining cards from Revived Legends AND Lost Link in it?
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

City_Sheep said:
@shadoworganoid: Manaphy is #3/95

I´m quite happy that they release all the ugly cards from the Battle Starter Decks and the Expert Deck now so they don´t get on my nerves in the future. So the 3rd HS set would probably be freaking awesome. Do you think they will include all the remaining cards from Revived Legends AND Lost Link in it?

Yeah, my bad. I didnt notice the lack of an eevee.

But I KNOW im correct about magmortard.

As to what you said, I agree. I hope they include the remaining RL cards that were cut.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

shadoworganoid said:
Actually, now that I look at the scans again, I have noticed somthing.

The two missing slots will be Leafeon and Magmortar.

Think about it. Jirachi is #1/95 and the cards are listed alphabetically. Card #4 is Metagross.

What letters come between J and M???
-K and L.

There is no pokemon I can think of for K, and leafeon is from the battle starter deck.

Now the #3 slot is magmortar because it fits alphabetacally AND there is a magmar in the list as well.

Yeah, because the set list we posted earlier and enlarging the "missing card" images don't tell ya that already. ;)
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Water Pokémon Master said:
Yeah, because the set list we posted earlier and enlarging the "missing card" images don't tell ya that already. ;)

Wow that steals teh thunder from it....

But seriously, I didnt see that.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

All I wanted was two cards, the Scyther and Scizor with the freakin' awesome illustrations. And they got cut. Oh well, hoping for an amazing 3rd set.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Its almost like their giving us draw cards for when Claydol and Uxie get rottated out.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Probably left out Leafeon because they want to put it with the other Eeveelutions
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Also the Dunsparce should see play in PR's. Two sets in a row that we have gotten a decent Dunsparce. Not great but still just a random note.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Personally, I don't mind the Trainers. Judge isn't terrible, and will definitely see play with Sableye/Honchkrow G. Kingdra and Crobat will see play as well. For the rest of the cards...no. They're terrible. I sense a Rogue deck using Blastoise and Floatzel...it's probably gonna fail.

EDIT: Rare Candy and the new PlusPower aren't bad either. The more significant Trainers I forget...wow.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Wow. The scans look pretty cool. The LEGEND ones are kind of odd though. They sort of look like the old TOPPS cards in a way. I see they brought back some of the old trainers like Dual Ball and Rare Candy too. Cool set.:)
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

It's so cool i like the legend card
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

The artwork is overall superb. But...most of the cards suck. I like some of the names: Hot Snort, Bebop Punch, but the overall quality of the set is really down. Some of the T/S/St and the Primes are alright though. They really cut a massive amount of good cards which is a shame.

dmaster out.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

What Stadiums? lol...there were none in HGSS, and none in Unleashed, I was really hoping on Burned Tower, but I guess with 4 Cyrus in many decks, that's all the Energy Search you need, would help a Rain Dance Deck tho. Ruins of Alph could help nearly any deck besides Darkness...still no pokemon are resistant to Dark types yet ;)
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Lol @ everyone freaking out.

Leafeon and the lot will probably be in the next set so calm down. The way people are talking, this set isn't going to change the game much as it stands today, so that's sort of a good thing. Just look at it like this, yeah you might not get to use those cards that you wanted, but you also don't have to face them either.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

This set has a lot of techs in it. Metagross has an energy retreat ability, although its kinda pointless with flygon still in the rotation. Crobat has a pretty good 1st attack, 30 and confusion for just 1 psychic, and Crobat Prime has the x4 poison and decent sniping abilities, and they just put rare candy back in the rotation, so expect to see a Crobat deck. I am sensing a Feraligatr prime(for its pokepower) and Ursarang Prime rouge deck, 'cause of high energy and HUGE damage. You could combo that with Donphan prime and have it EQ Ursarang, expert belt it, and you have a max damage of 140, and 280 if it's a Flygon or something. It may do good, but it won't win.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Don't get me wrong, I think this set is lackluster at best; but isn't this what we expected since HGSS came out? Sure we didn't get all the cards, but other than the primes and LEGENDs we knew what was coming. At least we know the next set is bound to be much better. That being said I really want all the primes and LEGENDs.