(1) Arceus and Pichu in May CoroCoro [4/11]

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FIRST! Anyways, I wonder how they're going to give these out in the US maybe through Wi-Fi during its premier on Cartoon Network, Thats where pokemon movies in english are usually seen first.
Lucario_Kid said:
FIRST! Anyways, I wonder how they're going to give these out in the US maybe through Wi-Fi during its premier on Cartoon Network, Thats where pokemon movies in english are usually seen first.

TOYSRUS probally
Lucario_Kid said:
FIRST! Anyways, I wonder how they're going to give these out in the US maybe through Wi-Fi during its premier on Cartoon Network, Thats where pokemon movies in english are usually seen first.

Well that might happen but htey might have two events at Toys R US

billy5083 said:
Lucario_Kid said:
FIRST! Anyways, I wonder how they're going to give these out in the US maybe through Wi-Fi during its premier on Cartoon Network, Thats where pokemon movies in english are usually seen first.

TOYSRUS probally

Spazzermon said:
Lucario_Kid said:
FIRST! Anyways, I wonder how they're going to give these out in the US maybe through Wi-Fi during its premier on Cartoon Network, Thats where pokemon movies in english are usually seen first.

Well that might happen but htey might have two events at Toys R US

I agree with you but it would be cool to have a wifi premier during the movie, but how would they do that?
When will the Arceus be released here and do you think the Arceus will be available over WFC like the secret key? I wish they would do all the downloads the way they do for the secret key. That way everyone will have a chance to get them.:)
WPM, you may wish to know that one of the members said that the other Pichu attack was Charm. Just thought that you should know.
Why Charm? All it does is sharply drop the ATTACK stat. Why not Fly? That would be a better move.LOL.:)
That sounds cool. I really want that Arceus and Pichu. The Arceus sounds powerful with all those attacks on it.
While I want the Eigakan (assuming it has the same OT as the Japanese movie Darkrai and Shaymin) Arceus for my event collection, I'm nervous about going on PBR Wi-Fi once it comes out in the US. An epidemic of uber-goats! The Pikachu-Colored Pichu seems cool, too, but I hope it will be possible in future games to obtain the Gizamimi (Notch-Eared) Pichu - they seem to be a pair.
Well, glad I was right about the Arceus' moveset all this time... Though, it was really obvious. xD

I'm going to try my hardest to get ahold of a legitimate one...

I really love the artwork they used for the first page (the one that showed the Arceus being downloaded)... I hope a cleaner quality version of the image pops up soon.
xxashxx said:
Why Charm? All it does is sharply drop the ATTACK stat. Why not Fly? That would be a better move.LOL.:)

Well I guss that they think that most players would use this attak and they think it's a great stratagie. And PICHU CAN'Y LEARN FLY.{L}:p{L}
But Pikachu could through a couple events.

Holy shiz, the Arceus event. I can't wait to see how much people are going to want it when the event is released in the U.S. The moves could've been different, but NO. They just pull an Alamos/Eigakan Darkrai on us. Arceus DOES get a good move out of the event, but that's pretty much it.

Guys, get ready to put your steel types in PBR. I sense a ton of movie Arceus's on wi-fi soon...
Darkrai said:
Pichu's fourth move is Charm, I found it on Serebii.net, and I can't wait for the event to come out in the U.S!

I don't know where he got that from but none of the scans say that. Filb.de didn't see the 4th attack either.
Spazzermon said:
xxashxx said:
Why Charm? All it does is sharply drop the ATTACK stat. Why not Fly? That would be a better move.LOL.:)

Well I guss that they think that most players would use this attak and they think it's a great stratagie. And PICHU CAN'Y LEARN FLY.{L}:p{L}

Through events he can and it is an event Pokemon.:)
xxashxx said:
Spazzermon said:
xxashxx said:
Why Charm? All it does is sharply drop the ATTACK stat. Why not Fly? That would be a better move.LOL.:)

Well I guss that they think that most players would use this attak and they think it's a great stratagie. And PICHU CAN'Y LEARN FLY.{L}:p{L}

Through events he can and it is an event Pokemon.:)

Well the only Time they would MAKE PICHU FlY is if the anime PICHU CAN FLY but the thing that is so special about it is that it is shiney. I know the Pickachu events have pikachu know surf but it is the surfing Pikachu. So the if the Pichu would know FLy it would be known as the FLYING PICHU!
Sweet. Hope it'll be Wi-Fi, but i don't mind TRU.

dmaster out.
Spazzermon said:
xxashxx said:
Spazzermon said:
xxashxx said:
Why Charm? All it does is sharply drop the ATTACK stat. Why not Fly? That would be a better move.LOL.:)

Well I guss that they think that most players would use this attak and they think it's a great stratagie. And PICHU CAN'Y LEARN FLY.{L}:p{L}

Through events he can and it is an event Pokemon.:)

Well the only Time they would MAKE PICHU FlY is if the anime PICHU CAN FLY but the thing that is so special about it is that it is shiney. I know the Pickachu events have pikachu know surf but it is the surfing Pikachu. So the if the Pichu would know FLy it would be known as the FLYING PICHU!

It was just a thought I had Sorry.:)
xxashxx said:
Spazzermon said:
xxashxx said:
Spazzermon said:
xxashxx said:
Why Charm? All it does is sharply drop the ATTACK stat. Why not Fly? That would be a better move.LOL.:)

Well I guss that they think that most players would use this attak and they think it's a great stratagie. And PICHU CAN'Y LEARN FLY.{L}:p{L}

Through events he can and it is an event Pokemon.:)

Well the only Time they would MAKE PICHU FlY is if the anime PICHU CAN FLY but the thing that is so special about it is that it is shiney. I know the Pickachu events have pikachu know surf but it is the surfing Pikachu. So the if the Pichu would know FLy it would be known as the FLYING PICHU!

It was just a thought I had Sorry.:)

Well it was a creative thought and it was cool. I was acting like a Jerk sorry, but charm is a good move because it cuts the foes attack alot so it could be very useful in the battle.
How many months behind the Japanese movie has the Ennglish one been released?
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