(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

Wow, that water one is the worst yet. I wouldn't even count that as fan art.

Oh wait, that's the real deal.....bleh. It's scary how close Pokebeach got to the grass one, and to some extent the fire one. I just do not like the water one.
Well they're new, not comparable to the Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle so I guess I can say I like them. Although I expected more from the fire starter. It doesn't have that OMgzUBERIliKeMUdKIPZ-factor, although I'm interested in its evolution. :)

And what's up with the Water starter? D:
Can't you guys see it's uberly cute :3

I'm surprised the water starter is getting so much hate, I am personally going to choose him once I get my grubby paws on Pokemon Black & White. Snow Otter FTW?
Wow. Man, those trainers both look good. I've liked all the past designs to a degree, but, these definitely top a good few of them for me. The fact they are going to be older will be nice too. It's about time we get to play as somebody who isn't ten, not counting the guy from Colosseum.

As for the starters, having looked at them a little bit, I think I can say I like them all, though my favorite is undoubtably the sea otter. Between its cute snowman face and the little shell its holding on its belly it just wins. The other two I like equally, if less than the otter. I really hope the grass type evolves into some kind of dragon or birdlike reptile. I figure there's still a chance for such since its tail leaves could conceivably become tailfeathers and its little feathery shoulder things could become something wing-like. The pig I hope will either become a great, fat bulkasaur of a swine, some kind of warthog, or an awesome four tusked babirusa. No matter what they become though I'm sure they will be likeable.
Water-starter evolves into

You know I'm right.

Everything else = <3
Ehhhh.... UHHHMMM.... Huuhhh.... o_O

*** is that?

I don't like them (Just the Pig xD)... But, I hope the evo's is MUCH BETTER! And the new Legendary. :)
The Ugly Water Starter reminds me of Mime Jr., but as an Over-Used Starter. :(

I really hope the Water one is fake, and that Purple Kecleon made this.
I like that they showed us artwork of the trainers. :/ Looks like I'm Cross-playing again, the girl's just..... I mean look at her HAIR! At least the boy's cute.

Based just on looks, I'd have to go with piggy. But I think it's interesting that there's no indication of fire on it, and not even really firey-type colorings. Maybe it starts out a different type and grow into fire?
Those aren't ad bad as I thought. Atthe moment I think I'm leaning towards the grass starter, but I don't know yet.
Honestly I think some of the people complaining will get used to them just like the gen 4 starters. I personally claim the Pokabu(if that's it's real name). I can't wait to see all of the evolution. This is definitely one of my favorite set of starters.
I don't see why the otter one gets all the hate, he's pretty cute. .A. I'm planning on getting him when the game comes out anyway.
They're all pretty neat, but i'm more looking towards their evolutions. c= they have a lot of potential.
Just comparing my reactions to the 4th Gen starters and these guys, what a difference. I still dislike all the Sinnoh starters and did from the very start, and not a single one of them kept a place on my in-game team. I traded in a Charmander instead. :p On the other hand, I liked these guys on first sight, and they're growing on me even more.

I really like Zorua Zoroark, and now the starters, so I'm super excited for this generation!

pigs suck I WANT MY BUNNY
esperante said:

pigs suck I WANT MY BUNNY

You see this is why I dislike silhouettes and fan art. It leads people to get ideas tht the Pokemon will be something that they want and when they get something different they get dissapoint. I love the pig and people just need to relax and enjoy these guys.
Chimchar15 said:
You see this is why I dislike silhouettes and fan art. It leads people to get ideas tht the Pokemon will be something that they want and when they get something different they get dissapoint. I love the pig and people just need to relax and enjoy these guys.

i'm sorry that speculation is so offensive to you... i personally think all three of these starters are really ugly, but then again, i thought that about last generation too and the final evolutions ended up not being so bad.

i'm still disappointed lol
I'm really happy with each of these starters, I cannot wait to see what else the 5th gen has to offer. But as I promised myself, after I see the starters I will not see anymore of the new Pokemon. I want it to be a complete surprise to me like back in the days when I played Ruby.

So, fair well Pokebeach, Serebii, and any other Pokemon news website. I'll see you when I get Black and White in the U.S!!
BlazeGryph said:
Just comparing my reactions to the 4th Gen starters and these guys, what a difference. I still dislike all the Sinnoh starters and did from the very start, and not a single one of them kept a place on my in-game team. I traded in a Charmander instead. :p On the other hand, I liked these guys on first sight, and they're growing on me even more.

I really like Zorua Zoroark, and now the starters, so I'm super excited for this generation!

This times a hundred. The starters for Gen. V are so weird, bizarre, and outlandish, you just can't help but love them. I really hope I can find someone to trade with so I can obtain all the starters. But for now, Mr. SeaOtter is my pick of the litter.
Sadly, I was starting to think that we wouldn't see the scans before the weekend, but this is incredible! It looks like I'm going to be getting the grass starter for the third time in a row. It's not that I don't like the others, it's just the grass one appeals to me most out of the three.
Cronus-TimeWave said:
This times a hundred. The starters for Gen. V are so weird, bizarre, and outlandish, you just can't help but love them. I really hope I can find someone to trade with so I can obtain all the starters. But for now, Mr. SeaOtter is my pick of the litter.
That's what the good folks of the internet are for. :D

I'm hesitant on these. I don't immediately hate them and scream 'RUINED FOREVERRRRRRR' but I'm not immediately in love with them, either. I'll just sit back and see how things go.

The female character, however, I now hate. >.< What a hairstyle! And does anyone think that since they've been said to be older, she should have had a bit more... *cough* talent? I mean the tradition of basically flatness made sense when they were 10-12, but if they're older I would have liked the body shape to reflect that a bit more.
esperante said:
i'm sorry that speculation is so offensive to you... i personally think all three of these starters are really ugly, but then again, i thought that about last generation too and the final evolutions ended up not being so bad.

i'm still disappointed lol
I have no problem with sepcualtion it's just that people get so into the fan art and expect to see something even though there was no incentive that that thing would be there. If you don't like them that's fine, I'm just saying wait awhile before making your final decision as thy might grow on you.