(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

@PKMidori the drawing you posted about the evolved form of the sea otter looks real cool. They'll have to come up with something really really good to beat that!
elite said:
has anyone else noticed in the scans, half of the battle scens its a full back sprite, and the other its only a half back sprite! go look at em

There might be an option to change the back sprites position. And what makes me sad is the fact pokemon wont be following you anymore, in every screenshot we got it shows no pokemon following you. Guess its just a remake thing. Maybe in Hoenn remake it will come back. I also hope they bring chaining back, i was really looking forward to chaining in HGSS, but i got my hopes up D:
It would be cool if they did base it on another country, but it would also make sense if they found another place in Japan to base it off of. I really hope the grass starter turns into either a snake or a dragon. Or that the pig will possibly get wings^^
Pokemonvacation said:
@PKMidori the drawing you posted about the evolved form of the sea otter looks real cool. They'll have to come up with something really really good to beat that!

wow! thanks man, i should start working on the other ones!
PKMidori said:
Hey Guys! ^_^ Usually i'm just a Lurker...but I tooled up this guesstimate evolution of Mijumaru and wanted to see what you guys thought! The new starters are AWESOME!


Your Art, is amazing. I would love to see it evolve into something like that. It's so... fittingly perfect.
Excuse me, i don want to be rude but why are some people complaining of the final evolution of a pokemon being fat? it is the only thing that makes sense because water type pokemon like Empoleon probably live in cold climates so they need to have a layer of fat for them to stay warm, after all we must remember pokemon takes inspiration from nature, from the adventures of Satoshi Tajiri searching for animals.
Snowing said:
Your Art, is amazing. I would love to see it evolve into something like that. It's so... fittingly perfect.

oh man, i'm glad you like it!

I didn't expect so many people to like my design! I'm sure what Sugimori made is worlds better though!
Love them!

I was so happy when I looked at the scans. But I don't think the Grass Snake Pokémon is very original it looks alot like Treecko. Same with the Water Otter Pokémon. But they all look great!
If Zorark is part of the 3 dogs does this mean he can transform into them if one or more dogs is in the battle or have a move to transform into either dog or is it for this battle only and can you catch it while it is transformed? Sounds pretty weird though. Also I think the starter names will be changed when it hits English shores and they will be diffrerent that what their names are right now. I hope their name will be easy to say because right now I can only say the Fire type Pokemon.:)
Ok so i understand most of you are not happy with the new starter designs but hey... focus people! remember there are still more pokemon that are coming our way. Its not like these are the only pokemon that we are getting. We still have their evolutions pending and also the rest of the pokemon!!!!:rolleyes:
RE: Love them!

Bupiggu said:
I was so happy when I looked at the scans. But I don't think the Grass Snake Pokémon is very original it looks alot like Treecko. Same with the Water Otter Pokémon. But they all look great!

Hardly looks a thing like treeko.
xxashxx said:
If Zorark is part of the 3 dogs does this mean he can transform into them if one or more dogs is in the battle or have a move to transform into either dog or is it for this battle only and can you catch it while it is transformed? Sounds pretty weird though. Also I think the starter names will be changed when it hits English shores and they will be diffrerent that what their names are right now. I hope their name will be easy to say because right now I can only say the Fire type Pokemon.:)

The majority of pokemon's names have changed from Japan to the Western world. I mean, Hikozaru? Pochama? Naetoru? (Chimchar, piplup & Turtwig)

Mostly the names they keep are the ones that foreigners can pronounce without too much difficulty. (Like PIKACHU! Haha) I could see them keeping Zoroark in some form (Zoloark, maybe) but the starters will definitely be changed.
Ok so woot first post and blah blah blah whatever.

I've been playing pokemon since Red, and i must say this is one of my favourite group of starters yet.

At least i'm having some doubt about which one i'm gonna choose, which never happened in any previous gen (it was always a no brainer to me - Charmander, Cyndaquil, Treecko, Chimchar).

But this time i'm really not sure if i'm going with fire or grass. They both look awesome (even the pig, and i hate pigs!) in their own way, so i guess i'll have to wait till i see their final evos to make up my mind.

Oh and btw, the water starter looks freaking ugly!!! I would never choose the water starter anyway, cause there are LOTS of better water types out there (Gyarados, Milotic, Starmie, Kingdra...) but its design makes me even less willing to pick it.
the new characters are kinda cool the girl reminds me of a trucker all she needs are a couple of tatoos and a tooth pick..o.o
I'm glad alot of pics have been released this time around, we get to find out alot more of whats there. Although I'm actually more eager to see places instead of pokemon.

Speaking of Pokemon.... anybody able to get their sprites with no background??
Shellduhr said:
People who complain about the Gen V starters evolutions that we don't even know about yet have Isshu's.

*snickers* Good one^^
@Hikaru- If they mainly keep the names others can pronounce, then how do you explain Hoho and Popo? (Hoot-hoot and Pidgey) I personally would have loved it if they had kept Pidgey's name Popo. But I guess it wasn't bird enough for them.
@Kaoru: Because I can juuuust see a kid screaming I CAUGHT A HOHO in the middle of a bakery. Names that are the same as other names are never good. So Hoho's a no-go. :D

As far as Popo goes, it's probably because Pidgeotto & Pidgeot were called Pigeon and Pidgeotto in Japanese (The latter of which caused quite a bit of trouble for Americans, LOL) They wanted them to mesh better? Or because DBZ was out and Mr. Popo would have been unhappy. >.<
I just hacked in those sprites I made earlier of the 3 new starters and made second frames for them so they're animated, and hacked them into Pokemon Platinum. xD

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRyVF3drXnw - A link, if anyone is remotely interested.