(1) Big Ol' Scan of 'Journey Partner' Promo Collection Poster + Translations [9/6]

attaks=duh....when are we getting back the energy symbols we used to have...they were soooo nice compared to these fake symbols :(
Hm I guess they are really trying to change.But instead of for better it is for worse.Templates are decent and all but what really matters is the bulk behind the card itself.Doesn't look to bright for these cards.
I expected the attacks to suck, though I'm surprised that Pokabu has 70 HP (as does Meguroku.) I must admit, the fact we keep the times 2 weakness is depressing.
Why do the cards have glittery borders? reminds of me the fake cards we used to get as kids.
The glittery borders are likely because these are the very first promos for BW. They'll probably go back to some yellowish border.

I kind of like that the card game seems to be toning down overall, but then we still have DP/Platinum stuff and Lost Link on the way. I just want to see the Tcg balance out a bit more. :/
The sparkly border is due to the speckle holo they're using on the cards. It was last used in the Movie 12 sub-set in '09. They'll go back to a silver/grey border more than likely for Japan, they've been well away from gold borders since 2003.

As for the cards: honestly, what do people expect? They're promos, they're basic cards, they're more for show and commemoration than general play. We can't discern how an entire era will go on a handful of promotional cards.
I have several opinions on the cards. I'm frustrated that they still have x2 weakness and also that the background looks to much like hgss. I like how the format of the lower section is though, maybe because it looks like older cards.
They look like Gym sets. The final thing I like is that the title Basic is in silver, which might mean the border will be silver:)

On another note, Miguroko I predict, will be like this generations Hippowdon evo. Some Hippopotas cards had 70 health, with simalar attacks, and I bet it will be a stage 1 at its final stage.
i just hate how they put the stage on the top left of the card now. it leaves an unsettling gap in the name box....
ehh... They could use the old energy symbols. I hate that the HGSS cards look so fake with those symbols (and the old english text font was better too) and they will continue to use those... -.-'

offtopic: since we already know what will be our last Gen 4 set, did anyone notice that there is only 1 english card of Bonsly and Mantyke (both from DP, the 1st set) when in Japan they have a lot of them from the PCG era (owned/VS-style pokémon cards though, that being the reason we didn't get them)?
Ooh...shiny border...

For those who expected Mijumaru to do 9000 for an Energy...dream on. They're appealing to beginners. This is the base of B/W, with the release of a brand new set.
As for the cards themselves (format and what not) they look nice. Playability wise they are the same as the 4th gen promos at he end of 3rd gen. Lame, useless, but says nothing about the set.