(1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

Sorry if I'm way off-topic here, but I just googled sea lampreys and found that they're really, really pesky parasites that cause trouble to swimmers and fish populations, so electric barriers are set up to stun and repel lampreys; being electrocuted seems to mess with their reproductive cycles or something like that. o.o It doesn't quite explain why Shibirudon and its pre-evos are electric types, but it's still a nice little tidbit, right?

Back on topic: I wana know more about these sages, it sounds intriguing!
Like MtSoA said, lighten up. Can anyone please you guys?

Oh, and Pokémon Sunday lied. How unsuprising!
Cynthia!? Why is she there?

The story in the game must be very long since we already have info on the Elite Four and Champ, but there is no info that has surfaced about Team Plasma's leader and the final fight with him and N. At least I haven't seen any.

And notice that the Anteater typing is exactly the natural enemy of the ant.
@Tensho no i did not, Notice that the ant has an 4x weakness to its arch nemesis(jking lol, Tis fun)? Poor guy. @Mew you like the anteater fire type?
Cool, nice to see Cynthia there in Isshu, though she probably is researching stuff about Reshiram and Zekrom or something.
Well I remember seeing that room somewhere. Also it is confirmed no past characters are in the game so I cant wait to say "I told you so!"
Do I really not get noticed for saying the anteater thing first? Makes me feel unappreciated. Anyway, Maybe the sages confirm that there is another small region after the E4.
Oh wow, I loved the lamprey one too, and knew it was electric, but I didn't know it had levitate! Amazing! Wow, it went from me having no electric types on my team since they ruined my Electabuzz with Electivire, and not having acess to Magnezone, to now having to make a very very hard decision between the lamprey, or Denchura, since I love both their designs...

The lamprey has no weaknesses and evolves 3 times...had better hp, attack and special attack but lower speed then Denchura...but Denchura's only weak to fire and rock and has a pretty good ability too...oh gosh, I can't decide...
Notice that the Dark/Dragon Sazando has 3 heads but only two legs, like one of those power ranger roid thing where the dino head become the hand.
So far so good. =P So it Kyuremu (or Kyurem without the u like Zekromu and Reshiramu) going to be Pokemon (Gray???)'s version legendary?
The anteater is very awesome, finally a good looking pure fire type, but I think the ant should have been bug/dark or something. It looks great, but it's a pretty unnecessary combo of bug/steel, especially since the knight bug has great stats.
Do the question is. If u like the games say yeah if u dont say bleah but if your in the middle say meah