(1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

@Valtron, Shinx is a feline, not a canid (and I hate the Shinx line) but the Electrike line was canid. Anyways, I actually sort of like the Yorterrie line simply for not being cutesy, like its first form would lead one to believe. It's final form is pretty dumpy and awkward though, too fat and with too much hair. But yeah, the Growlithe, Houndour and Poochyena lines ARE much better.

And yes, they seriously do need to make a wolf Pokemon, I'm dissapointed there hasn't been one yet :/ But if they do it, it better be Mightyena/Arcanine/Houndoom quality.
Well this means these TMs have changed:
Water Pulse > Psycho Shock
Bullet Seed > Venom Shock
Secret Power > Nitro Charge
Brine > Boiling Water
Endure > Free Fall
Silver Wind > Acrobat
Recycle > Get Even
Avalanche > Volt Charge
Stealth Rock > Bug Resistance
Captivate > Smooth Over
Dark Pulse > Ice Breath
Sleep Talk > Dragon Tail
Natural Gift > Cheer Up

And two new ones:
93: Wild Bolt
94: Rock Smash

Missing numbers: 1, 4, 6-8, 11-12, 14, 16, 18-27, 32-35, 37-38, 40, 47-52, 59-60, 63-65, 69, 71, 73-75, 77, 80, 84-85, 87-88, 90 and 92.
Does this mean no more Stealth Rock? And what of Sleep Talk?!? Avalanche and Endure are also two moves that can be very handy indeed, Dark Pulse too. Unless, of course, they put them into a different spot...
@Valtron Raiku looks more like a Saber Tooth Tiger if u look at it closely.

i like all the pokemon even the ones that don't look appealing.

Raikou, Entei, and Raikou look likes Japanese lords, emperors, and officials in ancient Japanese.
OMG, I knew there was going to be dive, is purotoga and aken in black or white? or in both?
I just realised that this is the first time gamefreak is allowing a Basic 2 pokemon appear in the wild (the cell and the goth girl pokemon). Excluding raichu back in the old games ofcorse!

My Fav pokemon out of the bunch will have to be the Pidgeon (bird starter lets call it) pokemon. Beside that well let's just say i'll be batteling around some monsters from Dragon quest! lol XD (seriusly MOST(not all)[/align] looks like ... lets put it in good words "Not nice in design")
WORST HAS TO BE THE GARBAGE POKEMON (both in apperance and design)!!! Muk was wayyy better of a slime bucket ...

Its base stat total added up to be 600, it has two types, it has two stages of evolution. So it is a pseudolegendary.
The Best Gen V Pokemon (IMO):

Yorterrie line
Pokabu Line
Kyuremu (favorite)

That being said this generation is total shipwreck of uncreativity, unoriginality, and shafting. They changed the TM's and got rid of Stealth Rock, they added so many unecesarry moves like Ice Breath, Ankle Sweep, Fire Platform, Boiling Water, and Elemental Oaths. Many pokemon are very unoriginal and almost all of them are ugly and uncreative pokemon. The Flying trio are recolor/sprite swaps. The 3 event pokemon are very unimpressive and not worth awaiting for (Darkrai/Shaymin/Arceus were far better considering Arceus had its BST, Darkrai had a sleep startegy, and Shaymin had Sky Forme). And given that I have to complete the game with only new pokemon is very alienating. Many of the same type combination from Gen 1 are recycled to death here. And many pokemon with new type combinations are very unappealing.

I've decided to skip BW and wait for Gray. This generation is epic fail for me. 4th>2nd=3rd>1st>>>>>>5th
Ok, see, no.

"Many pokemon are very unoriginal and almost all of them are ugly and uncreative pokemon."

That's not an opinion, that's an inaccurate statement. You can say they are ugly all you want, that's an opinion. But they are NOT unoriginal and uncreactive. Even an unbiased observer would say that compared to Gen 4, the Gen 5 monsters are much more original and creative. Lots of new type combinations too. You hate the designs, fine. But they are not in any way unoriginal. What exactly was original and creative in Gen 4? Half of them were based off real world animals, and the other half were just evolutions/pre-evos of past gen monsters.

The flying trio and some of the animal based ones like Yorterrie and Mamepaato are the only things uncreative about this gen.
I completely agree, this gen is actually really cool, except the garbage one....
but, it isn't JUST the Pokemon that makes a Pokemon game good, it is also the story line, characters, graphics etc.
Just... *brain explode*

Too much awesome just hit me at once. I'm seriously loving some of these new Pokemon.
That is a ton of information to process. Thank You WPM for your work.
There's nothing wrong with Yorterrie or Mamepato since they're akin to every other dog/bird GF ever released.

There's nothing original about garbage, ice cream or gears though, especially ice cream.
I'd also have to call them lazy with the genies, the roaming trio, typings, monkeys etc.
That being said this generation is total shipwreck of uncreativity, unoriginality, and shafting.
Really people can have their opinions, because I don't care about them, but when they start spitting out lies like the quote above, that's when it just gets annoying.
This is one of the most creative and original generations, maybe the most. How can you say pokemon that are based off of garbage bags, ice cream, and coffins are not original? How can you say it's not creative when we have a otter evolve into a sea lion, a robot-bug-alien-thing, a trio based around the three musketeers, and a buffalo with a fro?

Really, hate the pokemon or love the pokemon, these are some of the most original or creative designs of all the pokemon.
i'd have to say that
Dokkorar an his line would be way better off with out the things there holding

Gear's evo's. are starting to grow on me it's something different but i think they still could have done something better

an the flying trio im still EH about those guys but i accept them like the ice cream pokemon

i hope gen. 6 is better

for the record i love pokemon so i like anything they through out no matter how much of a disappointment they are
Oh wow! I love the new Pokemon! Well some of them. I love Sazando! Urugamosu! The Fire Anteater! Kirikizan! Kurimugan! The two fossil Pokemon! And the one i love most: Pandoraa!
@Grass-Starters: Gen 6 already? Anyway im pretty satisfied by how it turned out. Im disappointed with SOME however. Like the Ice-cream line, the steel ant, and most of the legendaries. The Fire Anteater looks awesome! Guys, im thinking. Is Kerudio the Trio Master of The three quadruped Fighting dogs? Because Kerudio is part fighting too.