(1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

I hated the pokemon of 4th Gen, along with the plot (as always). Everything else was fine for the most part.....cept honey trees and the MILLIONS of tedious capture methods.
The reason those Pokémon look so similar is because when you trade this for this, they exchange the armor. Kind of an interesting method of evolution, but their evolutions don't make sense unless you know that.

^Seriously? Wow, how interesting! Now it makes sense!
I think those two bugs will be version exclusives. @CMP i dont know if that will be right because they are two different pokemon. And them exchanging or crossing evolutions makes no sense.
The 4th Generation of Pokemon was a blessing, to me. Sneasel evolution? Infernape? Roselia evolution? Nothing bad about it at all...except for Tangrowth.
I forgot where I read it, but I'm pretty sure it's the case. It makes sense; yeah, they're two different Pokémon but they aren't "exchanging or crossing evolutions," just the armor.
I hate that they're repeating animals. How many monkey, crab, seal/otter, and frog monsters do we need? There are a ton of other animals I can think of that they haven't used. A ton. It bothers me greatly, and just shows the lack of effort. Let's just look at previous Pokemon for ideas! ....lame, you guys. I rather wait for good quality monsters then drawings that a four year old could replicate. Heck, just go on Devianart and look at some made up Pokemon. I've seen some really fantastic ones.
Uh-oh...now I'm really disappointed. I just looked at Jaroda's stats...it has NO attacking capability. Whyyy??
After analyzing the pictures more, it seems like some Pokemon seem to have a huge evolution changes. Meaning that when they evolve they might look very different from their previous evo or they might have some things added to the/change of coloration as well.
I did like Gen IV, because they came up with some cool Pokemon (Honchkrow, Gallade, Magmortar and Electivire to name a few.)
The only ones I truly HATE this gen are the vegetable lamb, the regional rodents, emonga, chillarmy line, the "flatfish", the monkey trio and evos, pokabu line, futchamaru, and the tadpole (the other 2 evos don't look quite as bad as the fanart suggested they would). And no, I won't "get used" to any of these. This is a very small number of monsters for me to hate, especially compared to G4 where I hated almost everything.
@CMp it still makes no sense to me. Plus they aren't even close to each other in the dex. If that is the case, im fine with it. But it is still confusing.

Anyway, i dislike how they based pokemon off random objects. And allowed them to be pokemon!
I just love most of these pokemon (since I'm sure everyone has some they don't really like) and I can't decide what pokemon will be on my team other than Smuglord and Dark Kitty but I have a kind of list of choices:
Awesome! What a nice surprise to come home to after work!

Some of the new Pokémon are really strange looking. Some I like, some I don't, some I know will grow on me in time. This thread was only at 7 pages when I last looked and now it's at 40, so I don't feel like reading everything I missed.

Now, to pick out those that appeal to me most and start planning a team for each version.
Hmm.. IMO I know alot of people agree that more then a hand-full of these Pokemon designs are out there but I have a feeling that once you have the game in front of you that some opinions might change; like you have to let these Pokemon sink into your brain.. Also, for people like me once I see more official artwork and pieces of the anime it will make me feel more at home with a lot of these Pokes..
I have an idea for evolution its based off mantyke. Maybe you have to have that armor helmet and the blue pokemon on your team and level up the blue one. that makes more sense to me.
@ Scientist

Gen 3 was sweet, dude. o.o Zangoose, Swampert, Flygon, etc. Not to mention that the Hoenn Region itself was fun to traverse. The only Gen that's really on my 'meh' list...is Gen 1. It was so bland. I mean, hooray that it introduced the series, but everything else GF has produced has just stomped Kanto.