(1) 'Black' and 'White' Wii Commercials Reveal Many New Scenes [8/31]

Playerking95 said:
Is that white walking into that bug type gym in the first video, 0:54 on the bottom video i think that's the person/gym leader in standing in front of that ice looking gym in the demo city also who are those people standing either side of Dento?

I think one of them was Iris and that did look quite gym like.. or am I looking at the wrong vid

*We see team plasma seemingly hitting a Munna. Maybe they want access to the dream world somehow?
*The skeleton looks like a Dragonite
*Confirmed that Moguryu evolves into Doryuuzu (which I'm now definitely getting on my team)
*The guy with Iris looks like a Team Plasma member. (anyone know what he's saying in the 2nd vid?)
*I'd guess Reshiram has highe Sp. Attack and Zekrom has higher Attack based on the animations of their special moves.
Renjil12 said:
I think one of them was Iris and that did look quite gym like.. or am I looking at the wrong vid
Yeah i meant the bottom video. Mangriff he does look tea plasm-ish or a person who knows a lot about dragons because Iris has a Kibago a dragon Pokemon in the anime, maybe iris has a dragon obsession. He's talking about dragons i think
N is being crowned by team plasma's leader
castle rise from the ground
zekrom and reshiram battle each other
Iris is in the game
I AM DIEING I CAN"T ANY ANY MORE, I want this game NOW ,22 days left..
maybe N was a prince in the past and he travel throw the time!??
this game is a contrast between old and new !! WHICH IS AWWWWWEEEEESSSSSSSOMMME :D :D :D:D:D:D:DD:D:D:D:D:D::D
Just registered, because no one seems to notice, but the first video, at 1:21, isn't that a new pokemon on the left? I'm quite sure I haven't seen it before?
Playerking95 said:
It's actually like 16 days and it isn't confirmed that N us being crowned settle down.

he looks like nothing but N...
MrSander said:
Just registered, because no one seems to notice, but the first video, at 1:21, isn't that a new pokemon on the left? I certainly haven't seen it before?

You mean the yellow coffin thing? It's Desukan, we've known of it for quite some time - but we don't know what it looks like from the front, or its typing or anything
Wow! Just... wow! SO much news! :D Words just can't describe how epic Reshiram and Zekrom are, especially in those cut-scenes! These games just keep getting better and better! When I first saw that "fossil" pokemon in the first vid, I honestly thought (still do in a way) that it could be the third legendary, since before it became Zekrom-esque, it looked like a completely different pokemon. If I'm wrong though, I still have another idea. Maybe, if that is Zekrom, Pokemon White really does take place in the past, explaining why Zekrom is preserved as a fossil. On the other hand, if Pokemon Black is set in the future, maybe Reshiram won't appear as a fossil in Black version, but rather appears from some sort of machine. Just an idea I had guys!
Mangriff said:
You mean the yellow coffin thing? It's Desukan, we've known of it for quite some time - but we don't know what it looks like from the front, or its typing or anything

Oh sorry.
Thanks for clarifying :)
Water Pokémon Master said:
Hm when I saw the video I thought the "new Pokemon" was Kurumiru.



The body is to small. Thats to 99% not kurumiru.
Perhaps a new oddish.
The fourth Gym is definitely going to be an Electric Gym now. The badge case had a lightning bolt shaped fourth slot.

The second Gym badge slot was a simple candybar shape. Maybe Aloe is a Normal type trainer?
I heard that best wishes will be a small season just like orange islands, and now only four badges..
is there only form gym in isshu..or there is 8 as usual ???
Wow O_O
The games are looking fantastic.
I didn't think that Moguryu would evolve directly into Doryuuzu.
I was kind of hoping that Doryuuzu was a second stage -__-


Ah well, the story looks great, and the gameplay looks exciting.
I like how they're really putting emphasis on the story.
alypkm said:
I heard that best wishes will be a small season just like orange islands, and now only four badges..
is there only form gym in isshu..or there is 8 as usual ???
It's confirmed that there will be 8 gyms for B/W
those arnt badges there contest ribbons if you listen closely your here
:japanese::japanese:pOKEMON CONTEST RIBBON:japanese::japanese:
The signature attack of reshiram is making a giant fire ball and throw it at the opponent and Zekrom is creating a electrick ball in its body and attack. that fossil is like zekrom.