(1) 'Black' and 'White's' Legendary Mascots: Zekrom, Reshiram [5/28]

I don't care what game it's from, I want Reshiram. So, if it's from Black, that's the game I'll get^^
What's with all these over-the-top designs? I thought after Palkia and Dialga, we'd start seeing something just a little more down-to-earth in terms of rival legendaries. I guess it doesn't matter. I like them a lot better than the Space-Time ones of the fourth gen. I guess I just a little old-fashion and really not used a lot of change.
Ice Espeon said:
Personnally, I think these are horrible. The (colour) white one is okay, but both the names sound like they were made by an eight-year old.

Well wait. That brings up a good point. These were announced on the English Pokemon.com, so does that mean these are the English names? I had initially figured that those are the Japanese names, to be changed later for the western world.
Eh, I'm fine with the design of both (except for the unfortunate tuft of hair sticking out on Reshiram. The DeviantAart crowd is going to have a field day with that one.).

Angels? I don't know, that may be taking the alliteration a little too far. But I'm most certainly renaming Zekrom Morkez. Sounds cooler to me ;)
I did a mockup.
Claus said:
Well darn. Now everybody's getting White because of the opposite legendary mascot, which means I'll have to get Black. Everyone was liking Black before, and I was happy to get White :<

But I remember thinking in the 4th gen that, with all the gods and whatever, what would they possibly think up for the 5th gen? And now that I see these, I think - duh, make the gods' underlings, the angels.
I'm thinking the same.
Wow A lot of news since I last posted. The 2 legends sure look alo like Charizard with pumped up stuff added. These Pokemon look cool but weird too. Don't tell me we have a Charizard evolution now XD.:)
These legends look great, I particularly love Reshiram. Too bad it's the Black legendary though. I'm thinking these are much better than Dialga and Palkia. I wonder if CoroCoro will have further details on them?
I am imagining how they would look if it was real life... and then comparing them to palkia and dialga... compared with Reshiram and Zekrom, Dialga and Palkia suck at life XD (sorry if the last part of the sentence was a violation :s)
Pokemon4Ever said:
These legends look great, I particularly love Reshiram. Too bad it's the Black legendary though. I'm thinking these are much better than Dialga and Palkia. I wonder if CoroCoro will have further details on them?

Hopefully. I guess we'll know when Coro coro comes out.
Both Reshiram and Zekrom look really intriguing, their designs look great. I am pleased with the fact that they have an overall simple design in terms of color. What strikes me most is Zekrom's tail, it looks like a airplane turbine which, along with his details, make it look war-like. The opposite is with Reshiram, whick looks more of a peaceful creature.

BTW, these confirm Pokemon Black and White as the official names for the games too.
Meh, standard over-the-top legendaries. Seems like this will be just another boring, checklist-based generation. Glad I wasn't getting my hopes up :)

Also, to all the people saying this proves there'll be a "light type": NORMAL, HELLO.
Zekrom typing looks to me as Dark/Steel (because of its military machinery resemblance) and Reshiram as Dragon/Flying, eventhough I dislike that combination.