Calling it now. Boosters will be Boundaries crossed, Boundaries crossed, Emerging Powers, Emerging Powers.
A cool way to make box sets different from the uh, other 12 or so box sets released per year, is to actually have a competitive precon deck included with it, where the main pokemon is the pokemon that is featured in the box set. In this case, Black Kyurem and White Kyurem. Then this would also include 2 boosters. That is a better box set, rather than the stuff we have seen lately.
These kinds of things should be released twice a year, and each release has 2 or 3 to choose from. It is kind of like the Excellent Emboar box, but instead of a theme deck, it contains a more competitive deck that contains an EX card as the ace pokemon in the deck.
So what I suggest for a $20 to $25 product released twice a year, with 2 or 3 choices to pick from per release is this:
1. A competitive precon that contains any modified legal card at the time of release. The cards retain their original expansion symbols. The precon is also NOT one of the existing theme decks released alongside a main set.
2. The feature pokemon is part of the precon.
3. 2 booster packs from any modified legal set.
4. A figurine based off the ace pokemon in the precon.
5. Coin, Damage Counters, Rulebook, Insert telling people about Pokemon Leagues and Tournaments, and Playmat.
THAT is how at least 2 of the box set releases should be like, and would sell better than the ones with Emerging Powers boosters included with them. Even if these did include Emerging Powers boosters, it would still sell based off the precon deck itself, since it is competitive, rather than a Theme Deck for beginners.