(1) 'BW' Demo and Pamphlet Reveal New Images + One New Pokemon [7/9]

Mangriff said:
Hey Kriffix,
Do you know where these newly discovered names come from in Japanese? It may help us understand what that floaty green thing is supposed to be =)

Well I have a slight idea.

The "zeru' is possibly from "seru" which means "cell' (like with the pigeon example above, when two words combine they produce "harder" sounds). I have a feeling that WPM may already know this though since he refers to it in the main post as "the cell-shaped Pokemon".
I'm not sure about the "Gochiru" part, but i'll try to look into it.

Goldtyphlosion101 said:
I'm sure its ononokusu's first evolution
Quite likely.
Kibago probably is the combination of "kiba"(fangs, tusks etc) and "ko" (child).
The "ono" in ononokusu is probably "Axe". Making reference to the axe-like fang-things on the side of his face.
I am thinking that the pokemon that cannot be seen clearly in the picture in the demo might have an evolution because it is holding an everstone so it could have been a mesaure to avoid revealing a pokemon, i am not really sure because the person playing the demo could had just given it to the pokemon, but why? if it is not that it could be a new use to the everstone
Empoleon#1 said:
I am thinking that the pokemon that cannot be seen clearly in the picture in the demo might have an evolution because it is holding an everstone so it could have been a mesaure to avoid revealing a pokemon, i am not really sure because the person playing the demo could had just given it to the pokemon, but why? if it is not that it could be a new use to the everstone

I agree. Perhaps they used the everstone to hint that this Pokemon has an evolution. Otherwise, the everstone would have no use.
It probably evolves by levelling up.

I remember in the HG/SS demo it was possible to gain levels within the limits of the demo - so it's probably stuck with the Everstone to ensure its evolved form remains a secret.

kriffix said:
Well I have a slight idea.

The "zeru' is possibly from "seru" which means "cell' (like with the pigeon example above, when two words combine they produce "harder" sounds). I have a feeling that WPM may already know this though since he refers to it in the main post as "the cell-shaped Pokemon".
I'm not sure about the "Gochiru" part, but i'll try to look into it.

Thanks :)
I wonder what type it could be, if it is a cell Pokemon? I'd eliminate Ghost as many first thought, and maybe go with pure Grass. But Ghost may still be possible, this is Pokemon :p
What pokemon is battling the new bird pokemon? It looks as though the glare got to it.

it kinda looked like it had red and blue spots on it, but my eyes are probably playing tircks on me.
Serebii is saying that when he got the image of the new bird pokemon, that the guy also told him there are two new areas, and they change depending on what game you're playing. They're Black City and White Fortress.
people try to come up with reasons for (every new pokemon) to be related to (every old pokemon) based on really obscure random tiny little details, yet there are some people arguing no way is hatooboo related to mamepato? just, wow! XD come on, really?
I concur^
I seriously worry about these polar extremes that go on in the mind of some forumers here.

scuba stevee said:
Serebii is saying that when he got the image of the new bird pokemon, that the guy also told him there are two new areas, and they change depending on what game you're playing. They're Black City and White Fortress.

The guy on 2ch who says that also links to Pokebeach for the character designs...veeery interesting lol.
sunyshore said:
people try to come up with reasons for (every new pokemon) to be related to (every old pokemon) based on really obscure random tiny little details, yet there are some people arguing no way is hatooboo related to mamepato? just, wow! XD come on, really?

That is so true lmao.
I wish I could play this demo...Anyways, awesome pictures, no matter what! I like Kibago the best. And now I like him better with Green instead of brown. I hope he doesn't evolve into Ononokusu, but he probably will. Finally, the emo Jynx has a name!(XD she's still awesome though.) Anyone have an idea where Rankurusu comes from?

P.S. Awesome Trick Room animation by the way! If it looks like that, then EQ will look awesome!(The shaking screen got old.)
I think "ran" means orchid. It seems that "kurusu" means "cross sign". Well my Japanese dictionary is not that usefull.
Wow the pics look awesome. Does anyone know yet which DS system it will be on though? I hope it can be played on DSL as DSi XD.:)
SQUIRTLETamer08 said:
What pokemon is battling the new bird pokemon? It looks as though the glare got to it.

it kinda looked like it had red and blue spots on it, but my eyes are probably playing tircks on me.
Its Munna.
"rankurusu",definitely for me, gives the feel of it being derived from a non-Japanese word (more so the later half).

I think for now it'd be quite safe to spell/think of it as "Rankles" or "Lankles"
Not really.
Just because one person's fanart uses the Jynx-lips, many people seem to be taking it as if written in stone.
kriffix said:
Not really.
Just because one person's fanart uses the Jynx-lips, many people seem to be taking it as if written in stone.

Just looking at it's sprite reminds me of Jynx. I honestly hope it's not.
Jynx gone gothic. Gross.