(1) BW7 ‘Plasma Gale’ Booster Box Promo Crobat + BW7 Campaign Promo Cards [8/9]

Wow! These are really cool! I like the symbols in the background. I wonder what the EXs that are Plasma Pokemon will look like.

EDIT: I also like the Blue borders. Too bad we probably won't see them here...
This is rather unique. Team Plasma's Pokeball will probably have you search for a Plasma marked Pokemon. (Might have to flip for it.) Don't know if Crobat will see play.. Probably not. But I do like Crobat. Blue Border? Not really expecting that to come to America.. But the new mechanic could make things... interesting?

...That watermark looks absolutely beautiful. Words cannot describe how epic that thing is. The blue borders are also a great touch!
Puff said:
Rotom-EX. calling it.
Crobat is ok. Crobat/Scolipede/Virbank Gym, anyone?

Rotom isn't legendary though.

Crobat could work with Empoleon, but it isn't that good.

Lugia EX, :D

Team Plasma Pokéball sounds interesting. Probably lets you search for Plasma Pokemon.

Another N. Cool, I suppose.

The Plasma watermark looks awesome
Puff said:
Rotom-EX. calling it.

> implying rotom is a legendary Pokemon

I must say, that Plasma logo looks pretty damn sexy.
...I wanted to comment on the sexiness of the Plasma logo, but I thought better about saying the word 'sexy' publicly.

Well, now that TDL has said it's okay, I will just say that words cannot adequately describe the sexiness of that watermark.
There's a Bouffalant.


Oh and errr, that Crobat looks kind of cool. Not sure how good it'll be with its stats and all though. (weakness and attack energy cost specifically) It's still a neat card and I do see at least a bit of potential, just not sure if this is the right kind of format for it.
{P}{C}{C} for 80 with potential 40s popping up later isn't all that bad, is it? I mean, your opponent can't hit the Switch and/or retreat EVERY turn, right? Plus, with enough tweaking you can time your KOs right so that the opponent's Pokemon gets knocked out at the start of your turn instead of the end of it. Mega-poison damage tends to do that.

2 PlusPowers and a Virbank Gym will KO any EX that does not switch or retreat (1 PlusPower and no Gym disposes of Mewtwo). I can definitely see it being legit. But I could see Golurk being more legit because it's a tidge more practical.
Wow, this looks great. I'm not to sure about the Crobat art, but whatever.

so wait... what new mechanic is coming in exactly and how is it gonna play out and is Lugia gonna be a Team Plasma Pokemon? o_O
Wow. This Crobat could turn out to be a pretty solid choice in the future. Resistant against Terrakion and hits for Weakness on Mewtwo EX. A great Ability and a decent attack (a great attack with that Gym card). I'm looking forward to these new sets.
Yeah, but hitting Mewtwo for weakness isn't much. You're just doing 80 instead of 40, which isn't all that big of a difference - it's just putting you a half-turn ahead on poison. Resisting Terrakion's pretty cool, though.
Nonetheless, if they can't Retreat, it's 16 damage counters. With a Virbank Gym (that's what it's called!) it's a KO and two free Prizes. I'm really looking forward to this and the other Plasma Pokemon that'll come out. (And the Plasma Pokemon support, too. Hopefully they don't get as broken as SPs were...)
I think the best part about crobat is the fact that he has a draw ability, because we're losing 9tails, Magnizone and Noctowl, I believe he's the only pokemon who can purely draw cards by not attacking
Eh, I'd honestly rather have a shot of the humans on the cards than the watermark.
Wow. I wonder what lugia ex looks like.
Rotom EX will probably be in the set.
Another N? Really?
Crobat actually might see some play.
Rare candy it T2 with a {P} energy and attach a DCE
to it and put virbank gym into play.
160 by T3 if they didn't heal their poison.