(1) Carracosta, Cover Fossil Revealed from 'Red Collection' [7/1]

I hate this new mechanic. I've thought about it a lot over the last two days. Research Records is an ok fix to a bad problem, but there are still so many flaws and this is incredibly luck based. I'm just not seeing how these can be consistently gotten out ever. I would need to see more new cards coming out in the next few sets that could possibly help this, but for now I do not like it.

dmaster out.
Wow carracosta is an amazing card. This card would be great if you attached deffender to it. Magnazone would have a hard time one shouting this if you had a deffender attached to this and you flipped heads.
I actually really like the Fossil Pokemon/Revived Pokemon, but as many of you have said that new Fossil mechanic is...special. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that perhaps we'll get a Trainer/Supporter that will help get Fossils working? And are there any current Trainer/Supporters that will put Pokemon on the bottom of one's deck?
research records is the only thing that allows u to put stuff to the bottom of your deck.

that with junk arm should get fossils running somewhat decently.
still nothing compared to a good ol pokemon collector.

fossil decks will need alot more support
ipwns said:
Yet if you look at the wording over the past 10 years it has all been changed. Since aerodactyl has the same power the rulings will be put together regardless either it will stay the same or have to change the ruling on it.
Ah yes, just because two things have the exact same name, they will also have identical effects. This means that the old Neo Cleffa's Eeeeeeek attack will be changed so that you hand refresh for 6 instead of 7, and then put yourself to sleep.

Just because the names are the same does not mean the rulings will be the same. For all you know, we could have the English name of Archeops changed to not conflict with the wording. Nothing is certain right now, but I really doubt that Archeops will bypass Rare Candy.

And by the way, viper.fox did catch on to the difference between Aerodactyl and Archeops that I was referring to.