(1) Clear CoroCoro Scans and Info [6/12]

That's awesome. Kanto too!

I also like how the Pokes can follow you. A+ Game.

EDIT: Is it me or are the first, third, and fourth pics the same?
YES YES YES YES YES! THIS IS SWWWEEEETTT! Sigh...I feel so much better now about the Pokemon following you thing. And the new Pokedex looks much easier to use(not that the others were hard or anything). Now I can't WAIT for these to come out. =D
This is very interesting. Espically with the fact that a lot of Pokemon can walk behind the Trainer.
Thank Goodness Kanto is in it. I am so exited fort this game. If you pre-order both games, do you get Arceus, Ho-Oh and Lugia, or just Arceus? I want all three.
I didn't think I could love a recent Pokémon game again, but this seems to take care of all the problems I had with DPPT ._.
And the region and overall game can't be bad, because they're remaking the best games in the series, it's hard (albeit not impossible) to screw that up. And at least you'll only encounter decent Pokémon designs before obtaining the National dex, and even then, the decent ones will still be more prominent :D

But seriously, Pokémon following you around, whilst gimmicky, should be fun. More touch-screen support is <3, the battle screen was so obviously made for touch screen, yet getting out your stylus every time you encountered a new Pokémon/trainer was too much of a drag to ever bother. With more touch-screen functionality, that hopefully won't be a problem anymore (They'd have to get rid of the B=run thing, though... Watch them not...). Decent touch screen in boxes is especially good.

That Pokéwalker seems like a mini Pokémon game of some sort. Seems kinda fun, we'll see.
I thought that was Larvitar :O it really looks like Larvitar. The touch screen features will be awesome!
It looks like the Ruins of Alph is going to be bigger in this game. It also looks like the picture of Gold talking to Steelix is in the Ruins.
Now I'm even more excited for HG/SS, all this new stuff is awesome.
Gamefreak has outdone themselves, can't wait to see palkia's full overworld =D
..Or yanmega's... Or Drapion's.. The overworlds will probably be awesome.

And I almost forgot all of the new objects/buildings/places, The ruins of alph look like they're going to be really awesome from the screenshot.
I knew Kanto was going to get in. That was obvious. Still hate the Pokemon walking behind you. I'll never stop saying that's the dumbest idea ever for a Pokemon game. New Poke Dex looks cool. Red and Pink, they're both girl colors. >___> Jirachi's moveset is cool with Draco Meteor. More touch screen support is always nice, but it'll always be subtle in these Pokemon games.

The reservation gifts I have a huge problem with. I always get both games. So that would mean I would get Arceus, that's good and everything, but what if I wanted ALL of them? Which I do. I'll never get them because this reservation gift system is DRASTICALLY FLAWED. I hope that they'll give all of the figures if you reserve both games in the U.S., if they do this promotion. Looks like the Poke Walker will have to be in the box in the U.S. if that's brought over too.

dmaster out.
Everything looks great so far, I am incredibly excited about the game and it's release but...

I like the whole Pokemon following you around thing, an absolutely awesome contribution, but where does that put the bike? Is there a way to turn off Pokemon following you around so you can use your bike, because if the bike was taken out of the game, that screw things up quite a bit.
Oh, man... I've got so much to say...

Scan #1:
I love the new touch-screen layout of the PokéDex... That's going to be extremely helpful. :3 The "any Pokémon can follow you around" part is just fantastic - I can't wait to have good ol' Arceus standing behind me... :D Thankfully they took that path when choosing whether or not to go with a limited amount of Pokémon or all of them - all of them just makes total sense. :3 The new bag menu (in 3D, gasp!) is awesome, too.

Draco Meteor on Jirachi is awesome... I've always wanted it to have the move, since it's all "Doom raining down upon thee, mortal!" - more so than Doom Desire... Now I can have both on one cute little Jirachi. x3 The preorder figures look amazing - there's really no other word I can think of to describe them. Unfortunately, I don't think I'd be able to preorder both (that is, if they continue that in the U.S.) to get the Arceus figure... I guess I'd have to find someone that got two and see if I could draw them something or something to get it. xD

Scan #3:
Pichu event, blah blah blah... The clearer image of the Arceus dimension is amazing... I hope I'll be able to walk around with it there... D:

Scan #4:
The in-game cutscenes of Lugia and Ho-Oh look astounding. I can't wait to encounter Lugia and then see it attack me from behind a waterfall... Awesome. D:
d master342 said:
Still hate the Pokemon walking behind you. I'll never stop saying that's the dumbest idea ever for a Pokemon game.
How can it be a dumb idea? You feel more personally connected to your Pokémon in a way, it's a cool alternative for that weird little 10-year old who's meant to represent you, and it doesn't get in the way of ANYTHING. Just because you don't like it (which is not a problem at all, since you'll most likely be able to turn it off) doesn't mean it's a dumb idea. It seems like the majority of the people here seem to like it, and especially the kids, who are still the target audience, will love it if their favourite Pokémon is following them. I myself would find a Mew, Venomoth, Ariados, Hypno, Wigglytuff, whatever following me to be quite entertaining. It didn't bother me in Yellow, and there it was barely optional, and was restricted to one Pokémon.

This also means OW-sprites for like every Pokémon, so all those weird banner-people who want a logo-trademark-thing but are too lazy or untalented to make one themselves now have more options. They're also smaller than the party Pokémon.

You cannot possibly claim it's a dumb idea, you can dislike it yourself, but saying it's a dumb idea would be a downright lie. It's probably one of the more requested features, along with a customizable trainer. I know I used to think about how cool it would be if any Pokémon could follow you around when I was a kid. My inner child is very pleased :D
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
d master342 said:
Still hate the Pokemon walking behind you. I'll never stop saying that's the dumbest idea ever for a Pokemon game.
How can it be a dumb idea? You feel more personally connected to your Pokémon in a way, it's a cool alternative for that weird little 10-year old who's meant to represent you, and it doesn't get in the way of ANYTHING. Just because you don't like it (which is not a problem at all, since you'll most likely be able to turn it off) doesn't mean it's a dumb idea. It seems like the majority of the people here seem to like it, and especially the kids, who are still the target audience, will love it if their favourite Pokémon is following them. I myself would find a Mew, Venomoth, Ariados, Hypno, Wigglytuff, whatever following me to be quite entertaining. It didn't bother me in Yellow, and there it was barely optional, and was restricted to one Pokémon.

This also means OW-sprites for like every Pokémon, so all those weird banner-people who want a logo-trademark-thing but are too lazy or untalented to make one themselves now have more options. They're also smaller than the party Pokémon.

You cannot possibly claim it's a dumb idea, you can dislike it yourself, but saying it's a dumb idea would be a downright lie. It's probably one of the more requested features, along with a customizable trainer. I know I used to think about how cool it would be if any Pokémon could follow you around when I was a kid. My inner child is very pleased :D

Oh, I should specify. A dumb idea for the older players, like me. I don't feel connected. I feel annoyed. Bothered me in Yellow and Collusseum before, bothers me now. Why couldn't they make this game with one Pokemon? More requested? Pssh. And you talk about lies...

dmaster out.
d master342 said:
Oh, I should specify. A dumb idea for the older players, like me.
Xous is older than you, I'm older than you... What gives you the right to speak for all "older players"? You'll probably be able to turn it off anyway, so I still don't get your point, how in the world is it dumb?
Being "older" doesn't mean you can't still enjoy the simple stuff like having a fun little pokémon following you around...

I think you just have problems, seriously, how can one extra tile being filled up by a Pokémon be so very annoying? And if we're not going to care about the Pokémon, why even bother making sprites for them? Seriously, it's not because you want a lame old boring game with no additional options that those extra options are suddenly a dumb idea. I think you're just being silly. This just adds a little more customisation to the game, which is never a bad thing (and which the games could really use). Think of it as those Pokéball stickers, if you didn't like them, you just didn't use them, simple as that. But I'm sure there's a majority who does like this option, even amongst older players, so it cannot be a stupid idea.
Wait. Has it been confirmed that you can't switch off the Pokémon-following-you-thingy? If not, I don't see why anyone would complain. >:

EDIT: Oh, WPM, I'm quite sure that's a Kecleon, not a Larvitar. >: |
FireMeowth said:
Wait. Has it been confirmed that you can't switch off the Pokémon-following-you-thingy? If not, I don't see why anyone would complain. >:
I assume that even if there's not a direct option, dropping the current Pokémon in your box will probably disable it anyway. I don't see them going out of their way to make sure you can't disable it, that'd just be weird...
You don't even know if you can turn it off yet. >__> What gives me the right? Playing Pokemon ever since it came out has, when I was barely in Elementary school. I don't know about you, but that makes me a veteran. You and Xous are (duh) included. The sprites included in the Party and the sprites you send out to battle is quite enough for me.

dmaster out.