(1) Clear CoroCoro Scans FINALLY Leaking [8/9]

Apparently we will be getting the "advanced document" from corocoro next month
RangerX said:
Ok so no new Pokémon o well Its ok the Games are out in 40 Days yey :D

And Water Pokemon Mater you stayed up 3 nights for this wow Thank you!

I'm sure he slept once. He doesn't love us enough to ruin his health. Or does he? :3
iam really very dissapointed with corocoro. we got almost nothin new. they should have atleast told us about what is the story of the game based on or atleast the STARTER EVOS!!!
Firemaker said:
I had an idea. The Liberty Ticket will take you on a boat to an island off the coast. Maybe Isshu is based off America/New York (Liberty Island, Statue of Liberty)
No I think the incident will happen in the lighthouse near the three mountains,,.
oakbark said:
I'm sure getting some of the better TMs will be made harder in some way.

*prays that Voltorb Flip is not involved*


Shimama-man said:
Voltorb Flip? o.0

Voltorb Flip is a game in HG/SS. It can be played in Goldenrod City Game Corner.
Bupsy said:
Apparently we will be getting the "advanced document" from corocoro next month
I'm keeping my hopes WAY down.
Can't trust Corocoro anymore T~T


@ Drakeman: How do you unlock it? I only have the slots machines >:|
Shimama-man said:
I'm keeping my hopes WAY down.
Can't trust Corocoro anymore T~T

Me too. The awaited Master Document somewhat made me depress for getting my hope way too up. :[
Front Page and Back Page

The right side is the front page of the Black and White "Master Document" while the right side is its back page.
lolfail :D

I hope that there's good music in these games, along with all of the great new pokemon. And I hope we can modify the DS times to the seasons we want :p

EDIT: I also like the new TM rule. This'll be great for competitive battling
Shimama-man said:
I'm keeping my hopes WAY down.
Can't trust Corocoro anymore T~T
Next month there will be a “Advanced Document” that comes with Corocoro. This month’s document was actually mistranslated and is actually called the “Origin Document” .
The Spook said:
Next month there will be a “Advanced Document” that comes with Corocoro. This month’s document was actually mistranslated and is actually called the “Origin Document” .
I'm not great at kanji .__.
I always miss things like this.
Isn't it something to do with a file? (I'm too lazy to look it up now ¦3 )
Hatman said:
Front Page and Back Page

The right side is the front page of the Black and White "Master Document" while the right side is its back page.
lolfail :D

I hope that there's good music in these games, along with all of the great new pokemon. And I hope we can modify the DS times to the seasons we want :p

Lol I noticed that too :p. Apparently we can download songs for the pokemon musical. I was just thinking: what if there's a radio function in-game where you could listen to music somehow? Even if it's not the actual radio, what about playing the music we downloaded to the games?
The Spook said:
Next month there will be a “Advanced Document” that comes with Corocoro. This month’s document was actually mistranslated and is actually called the “Origin Document” .

That makes more sense.

@Shimima-man: If you have the slot machines - just be pleased! Voltorb Flip replaced the slot machines in HGSS. It's a painfully hard game to win coins on, and you can't buy coins in bulk. Be happy you haven't played it. :)
Timeshift said:
lolfail :D

I hope that there's good music in these games, along with all of the great new pokemon. And I hope we can modify the DS times to the seasons we want :p

Lol I noticed that too :p. Apparently we can download songs for the pokemon musical. I was just thinking: what if there's a radio function in-game where you could listen to music somehow? Even if it's not the actual radio, what about playing the music we downloaded to the games?
They could do that for DSi owners... (SD card slot)
But, I would hate waiting for the EUR. release... Takes ages to get over here for no apparent reason. (Well.. for french people and whatnot, but they should make UK and US versions the same, no locks>.<)

@ Rockinpikachu: I searched it... I'm glad I have the Japanese version ._.
Thank god this wasn't the MAstery Document. I would of been even more disapointed. Now we gotta wait for next month for the Advanced Document, too bad school starts before then..