There are just being added scans and we have to wait a lot of time for infos.I believe,.I believe,.I believe,.I believe that lots of new and fresh info will be revealed.Playerking95 said:Yeah right idea Spook, *Crosses fingers tightly*. So what does it say about that random piplup. When do we get the english Pokemon names have they reveled them in corocoro before if not when do they reveal them?
The Spook said:There are just being added scans and we have to wait a lot of time for infos.I believe,.I believe,.I believe,.I believe that lots of new and fresh info will be revealed.
believe me.oiracul said:i hope your right![]()
Mamambou (ママンボウ) is the Nursing Pokemon and a Water-type. It has the Hydration ability as well as a new one called Healing Heart, which cures its teammates of Status Conditions. Judging by its appearance, it is Luvdisc's evolution; Electivire was not revealed to be Electabuzz's evolution until much later. Mamambou stands 1.2m tall and weighs 31.6kg.
At the very first scan with Munchlax and Weavile, they showed they were Snorlax and Sneasels pre-/evo. I dunno if they did with Electivire, but why say that Miruhoggu is Minezumi's evolution, but doesn't do the same with Luvdisc? :bChimecho3000 said:It doesn't look very professional when you put your opinion about Mamanbou's evolution and try to back it up with the whole Electivire thing IMO. Would look much better if you just have the translations to the magazine only.
Anwyay, Electivire was confirmed to be Electabuzz's evolution when it appeared on Corocoro. Obviously we didn't know about that prior to the Corocoro scan since we had absolutely no information about Electivire at all.
Maybe because Luvdisc doesn't evolve into Mamanboe?Mucrush said:At the very first scan with Munchlax and Weavile, they showed they were Snorlax and Sneasels pre-/evo. I dunno if they did with Electivire, but why say that Miruhoggu is Minezumi's evolution, but doesn't do the same with Luvdisc? :b