Dizzard said:Cheren has that accusing finger going on....
Cheren: You took my hat!!
You: *holds hat* This is my hat!
Cheren: I want it now!! Rarrrgh!! *rips clothes off*
On to more serious things though, this game is showing similarities plot wise to Pokemon RSE right.
So what if there are two teams in this game too? Team Plasma is the technology team and there's another team that loves nature. Then N is in between the two on sorta neutral ground.
wafiazizul said:i think Makomo is Munna~ She got a flower pattern clip like Munna on her head~![]()
Zekrom2010 said:N is trying to separate humans form pokémons probably zekrom controls humans because its like a robot and humans create technology and reshiram rule the pokémons.
If N wish came true our world is the humans and mystery dungeon world for the pokémons!
Sephiru said:Therefore, Morty and Fantina are obviously Drifblim, and Koudai is a Garchomp. Et cetera. 9.9
tweety210 said:This is going to be one confusing animé season. The version exclusives will really change some aspects of the animé.
Blizzz said:Did we get a mastery document kind of thing for Diamond and Pearl? If so what was all revealed on it?
Trainer4004 said:I believe so and it supposedly included all the pokemon in the 4 gen
orkoni1 said:What is this about a master sheet or something that will reveal all of the Gen 5 Pokemon??? When will it be released? Buy whom? And How accurate is this information?
Blizzz said:Next month CoroCoro is said to have a Mastery Document on Black and White. Meaning it will feature a massive batch of new pokemon and new information for the upcoming games, And it will be released August 11th but should leak before then, hopefully a few days b4 its official release. And its very accurate.
orkoni1 said:OMGOMGOMG, this is awesome news, and it will happen just before my b-day, yay!
Completly agree I hope they just show 10-15 new pokemon maybe even a new legendaryBlizzz said:No Problem, were all pretty excited. Hopefully they don't release ALL the new pokemon. I kinda wanna be surprised a tiny bit while playing Black on September 20th =). Why do they have to release the games on saturdays then make us wait 2 days for mail >.>
Empoleon#1 said:All this talk about humans being pokemon remembers me of an article i read in 2008(when i was really worried a bout the future of pokemon) and something in particular came to my mind, it said that pokemon may transform into pokemon it is a really interesting coincidence but it is unlikely that pokemon will turn to be pokemon, And concerning a bout that article is obviously fake because it said about a Giratwo(like mewtwo) and that it wanted to kill( i am not using a different word) Giratina and usually pokemon from other generations are not part of the main storyline at least not previous to the national pokedex
tweety210 said:"N" as Zoroark? That's an even worse speculation. "N" probably doesn't represent any pokémon if he wants to make the world black and white.