(1) Clearer HGSS Images [7/15]

Oh wow, the Burned Tower looks awesome.

Also, <333333 the new Legendary Beasts Artwork.
Red Gyarados' overworld sprite is terrible, but his batte sprite is FANTASTIC.
The battle menu is pretty sweet too.
I was on the website, and I stumbled across the youngster sprite. His role model is a Gallade. :p
Wow, these games are leading to be the best out of all.
But are Game Freak overdoing it and make G5 a bit badder than HG/SS? ;/
The rec gyarados overworld sprite looks really weird but the battle sprite looks much better than the old ones, it looks like it could be actually standing on solid ground.
I'm in love with all of the new art, especially the Gyarados sprites.
I'm like excited.. =F
Pretty neat new Legendary Beast artwork. I don't like Raikou's too much, but it could have been worse.

One of the updates to the site shows the Johto map as it appears in-game, and shows that you can now track the beasts, not just with the same icons, but different icons for each one. I just thought that was pretty cool. Also, though I'm not sure about this, the one route just leads off the map... I forget all the route details from the old Silver and Gold games, but would that be the route to the Elite Four?
1 Question: From what I remember (It's prolly wrong but ok) Shiny Pokemon in GSC were stronger (Some good IV's?). If this was the case (Besides Gyarados already being good) then the Dos you capture would have amazing stats. I wonder if that concept (if it is true what i remember) this Dos in HG/SS should have some very decent IV's and stats.
Well, I remember that IVs determined whether a Pokémon was shiny or not in G/S/C (though I may be off a bit?), but I don't think they'll continue the trend in the remakes, simply due to the fact that in the newer generations, shiny Pokémon have the same chances at good or bad IVs as normal Pokémon. So really, I think it'll just be like any other Pokémon... Though, of course, I may be wrong.
Hopefully shiny pokemon will have better chances at good IV's because it would be alot better than just having them as trophies. It would be better because you can have a really good looking team and a really strong team at the same time. This would be good because you willl still have to raise them to be strong and p[eop,le wouldnt slag you off like they do if you use a legendary.
Xous said:
Pretty neat new Legendary Beast artwork. I don't like Raikou's too much, but it could have been worse.

One of the updates to the site shows the Johto map as it appears in-game, and shows that you can now track the beasts, not just with the same icons, but different icons for each one. I just thought that was pretty cool. Also, though I'm not sure about this, the one route just leads off the map... I forget all the route details from the old Silver and Gold games, but would that be the route to the Elite Four?

Actually I think this map just proves Kanto may be in the game.
YAY GYARADOS Overworld sprite and clear in-game sprite. No surprise, I love them both. I don't see why people don't like his overworld sprite. :F The artwork with the three beasts and the Burned Tower looks amazing and their second picture looks great too.

dmaster out.
These images are pretty good. I like the images of the Red Gyarados (in battle) and the artwork of the Legendary dogs.
The Gyarados looks awesome. I hope we get more actual pictures of the game and I hope Kanto and Mewtwo are confirmed soon.:)
Top picture, frame 2.=

Delusional, poor guy. First they're obsessed with shorts, now this.

HeartGold/SoulSilver will be epic. This is confirmed.