(1) 'Collection X' and 'Collection Y' in December, Fairy Energy! [9/13]

yoyofsho16 said:
i don't want to be that guy, but why would we get a dragon energy when there are no dragon energy symbols?
I think they have to make basic dragon energy now. The reason why they didnt so far is because dragon type was really strong and weak only to themselves . Now that they are weak to fairy type its really odd if they still use other energy types. Unless dragons are going to have supperior moves they are going to be less playble whithout dragon basic energy . I may be wrong but its just seems to me they will make fairy cards for their first set really good abilities and moves.
i know that in the end thats the dragon types thing but still how playble do you think they are going to be with dragon and fairy weakness and 2 different energy type required?
scattered mind said:
I think they have to make basic dragon energy now. The reason why they didnt so far is because dragon type was really strong and weak only to themselves . Now that they are weak to fairy type its really odd if they still use other energy types. Unless dragons are going to have supperior moves they are going to be less playble whithout dragon basic energy . I may be wrong but its just seems to me they will make fairy cards for their first set really good abilities and moves.
i know that in the end thats the dragon types thing but still how playble do you think they are going to be with dragon and fairy weakness and 2 different energy type required?

I think that the whole Dragon requiring 2 different energies is a good game mechanic, and if Dragons are now weak to Fairies, then adding the fairy type just killed that game mechanic, considering how tough and demanding it is to play dragons.

I don't think that they think about how it affects the game and distribution of each type of pokemon to people when they add a new type. They add a new type as if nothing wrong would happen. I'm afraid they might have no choice but to add a Dragon energy, and thus having sets with less of each type, which is a bad thing, unless people don't mind 200+ card sets.

Here is what I think after looking at the strengths and weaknesses of the fairy type in the VG again.

Dragon will still use multiple energies to use their attacks, and Dragons will still be weak to dragons. Gameplay balance of course. Also no dragon energy, and there never will be, because Dragon's gameplay mechanic is using multiple energies for attack.

Fairies will be weak to Metal. How many cards in the TCG are weak to Metal? Just a subset of water types?

Dark types will be weak to fairy rather than fighting. Why? Lightning types are weak to fighting, A subset of colorless types are weak to fighting. Some metal types are weak to fighting. Just about most of the cards are weak to fighting, so mind as well make Dark weak to Fairy as to not make Fighting strong against more types than any other.
Geodudette said:
What happened to X/Y TCG sets releasing at the same time worldwide? Was that just a rumor?

Frost said:
Yes, it was only wishful thinking.

They way things were going it looked very plausible-or if not simultaneous, very very close- for the sets to sync up. However it shows that Japan can "wait", so sync'd or nearly sync'd sets, where there is not obvious glaring advantages and changes in meta'ing ahead, is almost a reality I think.
I've never believed it could happen. Either Japan or America would have to drastically change the way they release things to make syncing a possibility. America's schedule is Feb/May/Aug/Nov; Japan's is Mar/Jul/Sept/Dec. Japan has tons of promos, half decks, gift boxes and full decks separate from the main expansions with exclusive cards/artwork, and are much more generous with the contents of their decks like having ex, Prime and EX cards included over the years, and Pokemon Catcher in like everything in the BW era. TPCi doesn't do any of that and they're probably not going to change because they have a model that works and makes them tons of money. And Japan isn't going to change because they've mostly done their own thing from the start and left WOTC and TPCi to figure out how they wanted to localize stuff.
The Biginning Decks from XY can be the Starter Decks XY Set, why they do it at the same time? And wr have to wait until November to know, Japan this year only get 3 Sets and btw November and December we have the same cards as Japan.
We do not have proof that the Kalos starter sets are the XY beginning sets. The only comparison between the two is Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie, and their evolutions. We don't know what everything else is in the deck.

We also know the MSRP for these decks is $14.99, and there will be one booster.
Theme decks are generally $11.99.
HS Undaunted, HS Triumphant, and Call of Legends theme decks include 1 booster and are $12.99.
2 player trainer ktis include 1 booster and are $12.99, and are generally not worth it.

Most assumed possibility is that the Kalos starter set is 2x xy beginning set. Assuming that the XY beginning sets are similar in composition to the BW beginning sets, it means there is to be only 1 card that would have been a rare when imported over, and that would be the starter's final evolutions. If we combined 2 of the same 30 card decks together, the entire deck would have 2 rares, and both being the same card. Certainly not worth a $14.99 price tag.

Here is what I want to see happen. Whatever XY related cards we see in the XY kalos starter sets are preview cards from the February sets, or perhaps promo cards. The rest of the deck will be from BW Legendary treasures. I like the fact that theme decks have more different Pokemon when they first changed the composition of theme decks from HS Unleashed to HS Undaunted. I hope they don't go backwards with these.

Theme decks today have 1 3 stage evolutionary line, and a couple of 2 stagers. What I don't want to see is a 4-4-2 line, and a 4-2 line, and some sinlge 2 ofs for basics, which is why I think combining 2 of the same deck is a bad move. I want these decks to be built like theme decks, considering how these are to replace the theme decks of BW Legendary Treasures, and not to replace the XY trainer kit.

Personally, I don't want these decks to have specific expansion symbols, but are preview cards for the next set, and have cards taken from the BW series, mostly from BW legendary treasures. What I DON'T WANT is for people to scoop these up because there aren't enough fairy energies in circulation, because TPC doesn't think it is a problem in the international markets if they created a new basic energy type. Apparently it is a problem that hasn't been fixed yet. Metal energy anyone?