Wow, so much hate this leak.
I do think Chespin's evo is pretty meh and I am disappointed. Although I haven't completely lost hope yet. C
I love Fennekin's evo. Best part, IT'S A PURE FIRE TYPE PEOPLE! That hasn't happened since Quilava! It does hint toward the final form being Fire/Psychic considering that it can learn Psycho Cut and it could evolve into a witch-ish thing or be associated with witchcraft. A+
Ok, now it's official. I have finalized Froakie as my Kalos starter for X! His evo is awesome! I love his slender build, it looks like he will be the fastest considering that and being able to learn Quick Attack. Thus continues my ongoing loyalty to Water-type starters. A+
Mega Mewtwo X is pretty cool looking. I love the fact that Mewtwo has 2 Mega forms. Psychic/Fighting and Steadfast...Gallade on steroids? Perhaps. A
Mega Garchomp is cool too. Looks pretty accurate to a fan depiction I saw on another thread recently. A
I like the T-Rex. The blue dinosaur looks cute, but it doesn't look like a fossil Pokemon imo. Looks more like a Lapras pre-evo.
Also, kudos on the Rock/Dragon and Rock/Ice typings! B+
The poodle that was leaked on Pokemon Direct is alright. You can customize its fur? Nice.
Meowstick is cute, I don't see how it looks like a cat though. They look like bipedal Zorua that just came back from the same salon the poodle came from. Nice design though. A
Btw, has anyone noticed the different-colored Flabebe below the Rock/Ice type fossil?