(1) 'CoroCoro Special' Shows More Zorua and Zoroark, Movie Characters [2/26]

That looks like the female version. They both look like clowns to me. The characters are a bit blurry, but they don't look to weird like the ones in the Lucario movie. Did we know the beasts would be in it?

*Edit* Jon, are you coming to nationals for sure?
Yes, we knew a long time ago. :p The movie will have Celebi, Entei, Suicune, Raikou, Zorua, Zoroark, and possibly Ho-Oh and Lugia.
If it will have these Pokemon then the 5th gen will be a spin-off of the 4th gen because the Z Pokemon looks like a Weavile with longer hair. Sort of anyway.:)
xxashxx said:
If it will have these Pokemon then the 5th gen will be a spin-off of the 4th gen because the Z Pokemon looks like a Weavile with longer hair. Sort of anyway.:)
I don't see the resembalance at all. And just because one pokemon looks like another, doesn't mean a whole generation will be spin-off's as well.

Movies are boring, but maybe Zoroark can burn down a village or something.
Actually like these new images. Indeed the characters don't look to weird! Wonder if I'm able to recognize some of the locations they''re going to use in this movie...
It'll grow on you. People said the same stuff about the D/P Pokemon and R/S Pokemon. When I first saw Hoothoot I was horrified that they would make a Pokemon wear glasses. But now they all look like Pokemon. Zorua and Zoroark will eventually too.
Am I the only one who thinks the new character on the far right looks a lot like Roxanne? >_<

Ok, I'm loving Zorua more and more with each new pic of her. ^_^
Ice Espeon said:

What's that thing in the bottom right on the first page?

im not quite sure what it is. but it IS a little bit frightning...

and i think the other people in the movie look a bit nerdy, especially the girl.
if you see very closley in that coro coro update you can see a shuppet and missmagias so they also might be part of the plot
Great I Bet Zoroark Is Going To Do Nothing Just Like In The 12th Movie! When I First Saw The Line "One Small Electrifying Pokemon Would Save The World" I Thought Pichu Waz Going To Evolve Into A Amazing Evolution And Hold Off Arceus For The Gang, BUT NO! He Just Unlocked Some Doors.

Ehhh, I don't really like these poses, but I will grow on the Pokemon.

dmaster out.
When I clicked on the second picture on the website and saw Zoroark I was like o_O!
It will take me a while to get used to these new Pokemon. At first I didn't really like Zorua, but now it looks awesome, it really does take some time.
Sounds like I'm one of the few whom, after seeing the newer art of Zoroark, actually came to VERY easily accept its role as a Pokemon. Before, with the leaks of the official movie and Sugimori art, I was rather skeptical. But now, I cannot wait to see Zoroark in action. Haha... Pulling a Darkrai for me, go figure. (Inside "joke", no worries.)
I looked at the katakana for these two in the middle picture, and the little guy's name is ゾロア, which reads "Zoroa." Where are people getting that its name is Zorua, or is there something I'm missing?

Zoroark's name sunds about right. He also looks like he's rapping.